Posted on Jan 3, 2022
RallyPoint News
Thanks to all who participated! This sweepstakes event has ended and all prizes have been awarded. Please continue to share your stories and follow the RallySweeps page for the next event!
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Responses: 334
RallyPoint News
Congratulations to SPC (Join to see), PFC Anita Frost, PFC Toan Vuong, MSgt Philip Davis, and CW2 (Join to see)! You've all won a $100 Amazon gift card! An e-gift card will be sent to the email address associated with your RallyPoint account.

Thanks to all who participated and shared!
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SPC Damien Mcdonald
Quit smoking. I would love to quit smoking because I have 3 going kids and I want to be around to see them grow up.
Sgt Dave VonAllmen
Sgt Dave VonAllmen
3 y
I quit about 30 years ago, was only a 1 pack a day smoker but just decided one day that I was done, told my wife and kids I was done and haven't had a cigarette since. After about the 3rd day I really didn't have any cravings or desires and I had been smoking since I was about 15. Oh by the way I tried quitting several hundred times before I was really ready to.
My Son who is now 35 and has smoked since he was 17 is trying to quit and he is using a vape and is having a lot harder time than I did but we are all very supportive and hope he can do it.
LTC Tom Jones
LTC Tom Jones
3 y
When the life insurance agent told me (in 1993) the rate differential between smoker and non-smoker, I quit that day. Sometimes, "money talks" but beyond that, actuarial tables can be very sobering. Hmmm, another bad habit to think about giving up?
CMC Aaron Relford
CMC Aaron Relford
3 y
I put my 3-month old son in the hospital from some mysterious illness. Turns out the boy was allergic to nicotine. No better incentive to quit then not being able to hold your own child for fear of poisoning them.
CPT Mariette Roy-Franco
CPT Mariette Roy-Franco
3 y
Eat a healthy anti-inflammatory diet and stick to it.
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SGT Jonathan Persons
I am not doing a traditional New Year's Resolution per se, but I am going to be stepping back and not getting into pissing contests/dick measuring contests with people on the internet over topics where neither side is going to change their opinion, and someone says something that steps over a line, admins get involved, etc, etc, etc...
SP5 Michael Champion
SP5 Michael Champion
3 y
PV2 Jason Myers - Facebook, Twitter, YouTube all are corrupt in their censorship of any views that are not liberal enough. No time for any of them.
PV2 Jason Myers
PV2 Jason Myers
3 y
SP5 Michael Champion - Only reason why i have a couple of the other accounts if for contest entering on some Glean sites. Like gun contests. or Ham radio ones
Barbara Stultz
Barbara Stultz
3 y
My husband did that as well. He actually went so far as staying off social media and deleting his account. He started a new one but does not follow all the people or news things his old account followed. He would respond or write a lot of political posts and I think it stressed him out! He finally realized it. That’s a good resolution!
SGT Tiffanie G.
SGT Tiffanie G.
3 y
Barbara Stultz - He should try MeWe dot com. Much more relaxed over there.
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