Posted on Mar 12, 2014
CW2 Humint Technician
EDIT: Just for the record, the division has since changed their policy on this and no longer does this (or they say they don't) because I told the LTC in charge of the EO/SHARP program here that it was wrong. So it's good that leaders listen.

I've seen this in garrison and while deployed through various installations and divisions so it's not just one unit.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>They (general statement) give an EO brief. You know the standard stuff. Don't discriminate against SEX, religion, race, etc.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>Then they give a SHARP brief. Talk about how males are highly susceptible to sexual assault. Spent 15-20 minutes talking about what an issue it is and how concerning it is that no males or mostly no males come forward due to social stigmas, etc.</div><div><br></div><div>Then later there's a brief by to ONLY females to reinforce the SHARP ideals. Which is good, but why is there another brief given only to females?</div><div><br></div><div>It boils mine and my wife's blood to no end (she's military as well).&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>1) if it's not an EO violation in itself, it at the very least is a serious jab at the seriousness of the message that males can be victims as well. Talking out of both sides of the mouth is not a way to encourage males to come forward. On one hand they make a big deal about this issue and then an hour later they single out and only talk to the females about SHARP. Frankly, by the strict definition of the word I've seen more sexual harassment of males by males than males to females. BY FAR.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>2) truthfully it's a violation of EO in my opinion. Females need battle buddies etc and we are going to single out this sex by pulling them aside specifically. In this case they add all NCOs but I've seen it plenty of times where it's JUST females.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>What are your thoughts? Have you seen this before (I know you have)? What did you do about it? Why aren't the BN and bde EO and SHARP reps advising the commander about this?</div><div><br></div><div>As a 1SG I brought this up after people were singled out and I was told that it needed to be emphasized further and because it had been also briefed to the ENTIRE group at one point it wasn't EO etc.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>I bring this up after my wife and I had a conversation about it last night after looking at my inprocessing schedule.&nbsp;</div>
Posted in these groups: Eo logo EOE1688309 SHARPImages9sh3pvxo Sexual Assault
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 9
SGT Geospatial Engineer Sergeant
I fully agree with you. If we are preaching equality then let's truly treat everyone equally.
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SFC Lamont Womack
Edited 11 y ago
I believe this opens the door for an EO complaint. As an EOA, anytime I hear about separate training I always notify the leadership not to do it. I haven't really seen SHARP training specifically by gender but I have seen SHARP sensing sessions for just females.

I believe these SHARP sensing sessions that only have one gender open the door for an EO complaint. I say this because there will be other issues that will be brought up during these sensing session. This allows a platform for only these Soldiers to have their issues heard. The other gender that does not get a sensing session has issues too but they won't be heard. This indirectly discriminates against them. This has the potential to disrupt good order and discipline in the unit by making one gender appear to be more "important" than the other. I'm not saying a leader can't separate the training but if they do make sure there is a training session for each gender.
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SGT 94 E Radio Comsec Repairer
SFC Jones,

I agree 100%. Every SHARP briefing I've attended focused equally on male and female Soldiers, and I think that's the way it should be.

I wonder if the reason they provide extra training to females in your unit is that they are at higher risk of being assaulted. I've noticed that the Army gives extra resiliency training to those undergoing redeployment and mandate extra medical tests for Soldiers over 40, so maybe this falls along the same lines of risk-management.
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