Posted on Jun 12, 2015
CPT Company Commander
Rachel Dolezal, the white NAACP leader who misrepresented herself as black for years. She actually white. Her parents are setting the record straight.

I have heard of transgender but now transracial. I am sure there are benefits for this. If she wanted scholarships or a job at the NAACP as a charter President.
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 90
PO1 John Miller
During the 2010 census, my wife and I sent in our forms. Later, a census worker came to our house to redo the census and later yet another census worker called me on the phone to try and redo our paperwork AGAIN.

The reason being is, we listed our races as Human. It was so funny watching the facial expressions of the census worker at my door as she was trying to convince me to "reveal" my race. Yes I am obviously Caucasian but that's not the point. The point is, most people are wrongly consumed with "race" when they should just realize that we're all people first and foremost.
PO1 John Miller
PO1 John Miller
>1 y
PO3 David Fries
Which is why I don't live in California anymore! :)
PO1 John Miller
PO1 John Miller
>1 y
Well 1LT(P) (Servicemember), since Neanderthals were an earlier species of human...
PO1 John Miller
PO1 John Miller
>1 y
1LT(P) (Servicemember), I'm no science major but I do seem to remember reading something about what you said, Neanderthal females breeding with Homo Sapiens and that is why we have some of their DNA. Which I guess proves your statement of 97% human and 3% Neanderthal.
Vsilyk Kedia
Vsilyk Kedia
>1 y
I think this however are some challenges, because for the most part any topic related to racism is related to this, I as a student have done writing with the help of more specifically about Racial Profiling, I understand that this really is a type of scam; because these, most people don't actually fight this but they make this come out and then make money on it.
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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
This is what happens when "identity politics" trumps hiring the best qualified candidate.

I'll bet she spun a few yarns around the water cooler about how hard it was for her growing up.
I doubt anything will come up publicly, as this would be virtually impossible for the NAACP to explain away as anything but discrimination to fire her, but the back room talk would be a fascinating thing to listen to.
Oh to be a fly on the wall.
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Cpl Jeff N.
Edited >1 y ago
If a man can sexually identify as a woman and we accept it why can't a white person racially identify as a black person and we accept it? What is the real difference. This is the problem we create when we accept anything. She is no more black than Jenner is a woman. Genetically Jenner is a man and she is white. No amount of thinking you are someone else will change that.

She, I think, has a disorder of some sort. To lie about yourself, who you are, where you come from etc. mislead others, use your lies to advance yourself is not normal behavior. She had no contact with her family for years and was living a lie. In today's world, she can just say I am "transracial". Transracial today means something that involves or is between two racial groups. So she is outside of the definition of the word. So, the left will need to create a new definition.

No one would have an issue if she simply wanted to work for the NAACP and have a career focused on issues of race etc. That is not what she did. She lied, mislead, filed false information on applications, resumes, EEOC documents and the like.
LTC Stephen C.
LTC Stephen C.
>1 y
Nicely stated, each time, Cpl Jeff N..
SPC Travis Grizzard
SPC Travis Grizzard
>1 y
SSG (Join to see) - Or she may be working the cure for racial dysphoria, just like Jenner is working the cure for gender dysphoria.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
>1 y
Well SPC Travis Grizzard If you define dysphoria as a state of unease or generalized dissatisfaction with life (textbook definition) and then slap the word gender or racial in front of it then have at it. How would you cure someone's unease or dissatisfaction with their race/sex? You cannot change your sex or your race. You can pretend, even have some surgery that might augment or rework parts of your body but you have not changed, fundamentally, who you are.

Do we turn a blind eye or encourage them to live a lie, to pretend to be something they are not? That sound more like enablement that "curing" which is what you said they were trying to do. They are not trying to cure anything. They are simply indulging a decadent view of themselves, in their own mind.
SPC Travis Grizzard
SPC Travis Grizzard
9 y
Cpl Jeff N. - Sarcasm didn't come across very well.
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