Posted on Dec 17, 2021
SSG Information Technology Specialist
Regarding 5960; I'm in the IN Guard and my residence is at Ft Meade. My deployment is here as well, since "Duty Location" is on the form, I want to use Fort Meade. According to my financial ACS meeting, I should be able to put Ft Meade for the duty location during the deployment. Basically, I'm trying to get some equivalent of the DTS per diem everyone else is getting except me and my finances are hurting because of it. I'm open to any other suggestions.
My online shows an example of just putting the unit name there but I don't think that helps with the location. I see an "either" option for A. Unit location or B. the location of the place of duty (desired). Does this affect BAS as well? The ACS counselor gave a high amount which was possible 'only' for full-time active duty (not deployment active duty).
Posted in these groups: Bah calculator BAH38326e5d Military PayHouse money 428x285 BASHeader HousingD5c0522c LES
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Responses: 3
SSG Intelligence Analyst
Let’s unpack this: your BAS isn’t going to change. If you are struggling financially, it’s because you are living above your means. You won’t get per diem because guess what, you live there. I’m finding it hard to believe that an E6 who lives at Meade full time is now struggling because he’s “Activated”. As a resident of the location you are activated, you are actually not entitled to anything additional
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SGM Jeff Mccloud
Let me see if I am reading this correctly:
Your residence is Ft Meade, MD.
Your TOD order put you at Ft Meade, MD where you already live.
So the job is local to the house you already live in.
And you want to use DTS to get per diem for a job that sounds like it is definitely under 50 miles minimum requirement to qualify for DTS...

Your finances aren't hurting because you aren't getting the per diem that you are not entitled to, your finances are hurting because you are not living within your means, which should be E6 base pay, BAS and E6 BAH for Ft Meade.

If you want DTS, you'll need to move more than 50 miles away from Ft Meade, and it seems like even with per diem that would be more of a financial strain than what you are experiencing now.
SSG Information Technology Specialist
SSG (Join to see)
3 y
SGM Jeff Mccloud - Unit Location which is Indiana
SGM Jeff Mccloud
SGM Jeff Mccloud
3 y
SSG (Join to see) - MDAYs on orders don't get BAH based on duty location unless the orders are for more than 120 days.
If you have a lease or mortgage in Ft Meade that was signed before these orders started, you need to provide a copy of that with a new 5960 with that address to your unit. They need to get that signed by your CO, and they need to amend your current orders to show that is your HOR.
SSG Information Technology Specialist
SSG (Join to see)
3 y
SGM Jeff Mccloud - My orders is 400 days. So, can I have the Indiana unit change the "Duty Location" to "Fort Meade, MD" which is where the place of work is instead of the what its currently set to; "Indianapolis, IN". Fort Meade is my HOR.
SGM Jeff Mccloud
SGM Jeff Mccloud
3 y
SSG (Join to see) - Your unit doesn't fill out a 5960, you do. Then you submit it to your unit for CO signature.
Your orders should say duty location and HOR Ft Meade, and your 5960 should say duty location and HOR Ft Meade.
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SFC Ralph E Kelley
The form is used for the authorization to start, adjust, or terminate basic allowance for quarters and/or variable housing allowance. Qualifying documents include marriage and birth certificates, divorce decrees, and child support agreements. Those who qualify for secondary dependency, such as a Soldier caring for his or her mother or father, should upload their approval letter from either DFAS or their Company level commander.
Update your DD Form 93 beforehand at their unit's S-1 or human resources/personnel section. Completed SGLI and DD 93 forms from the Soldier's Interactive Personnel Records Management System. The DD 93 is used to designate beneficiaries for certain benefits, and provide the Soldier's command with the names and addresses of the people the Soldier desires to be notified in case of emergency or death. One of the benefits Soldiers designate via the DD 93 is the Death Gratuity Program beneficiary.
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