For the past 14 years, the American public has largely sought to thank our troops and show their support through measures both great and small. From "Support Our Troops" bumper stickers to airlines allowing Military personnel to board flights ahead of all other passengers. With the Wars now winding down, Navy Veteran and Team Rubicon employee Ken Harbaugh explores a much deeper looming dilemma as he sees it: The Risk of Over-Thanking Our Veterans. He goes well beyond the simple courtesies of the 10% discounts and the pats on the back from a grateful nation - he points to the exploding costs of caring for the Veterans who have been at war these past 14 years, the soaring VA budget, a Comp & Pen system that is often gamed by Vets for a payout, and the potential fallout and resentment this may ultimately engender with the broader taxpaying public who may ultimately ask if they are paying too much?
What do you say, RP Nation? Does Mr. Harbaugh raise some valid points? Or is he merely a Veteran who is better off than most who is on a soap box and pointing fingers? What say you?
What do you say, RP Nation? Does Mr. Harbaugh raise some valid points? Or is he merely a Veteran who is better off than most who is on a soap box and pointing fingers? What say you?
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 32
We should never stop this process! We still owe our Vietnam Veterans more thanks then they ever received after that war! I believe we have a long road ahead of us in this battle on Terrorism or whatever they are calling it now. We need the community and populace support to continue like it never has before, so we can continue to win this war! It will not go away! Just one man's opinion!
MAJ (Join to see)
COL Mikel J. Burroughs, Sir, I concur. Harbaugh's point however, is that unless the current Comp & Pen system at the VA is reformed, the current Military/civilian cultural divide of today will fester into all out contempt and resentment from a taxpaying public that will come to view the Veteran as a burden.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
I see his point and I trump it. We need to quit spending money on entitlements that continue to make our poor (poorer) and we need to continue to work on improving and funding our VA, Comp, and Pen System. I can tell you that Congress and the Government won't revamp theirs, so why should we revamp those of veterans and retired soldiers that have given most of their lives for the Government. Please don't get me started, but I do understand what the problem is.
Great question Paul! I'd say somewhere in the middle. If the government really wanted to thank us, they would fix the VA period. Not sure how easy it is to scam as I have been trying to get what I feel is a legitimate claim in for years. I agree in my case that happening on AD and service related are 2 different things but there should be a bit more leeway.
I think the civilian "thanking" is getting a bit over the top because I'm not sure if they understand what they are thanking us for. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are plenty out there including myself that appreciate it on occasion but do you see a uniform and go up and say "thanks for your service" because of the uniform or does it have actual meaning for you?
I think the civilian "thanking" is getting a bit over the top because I'm not sure if they understand what they are thanking us for. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are plenty out there including myself that appreciate it on occasion but do you see a uniform and go up and say "thanks for your service" because of the uniform or does it have actual meaning for you?
Yes, and it has created a weird sense of entitlement among veterans. Thankfully, there is starting to be a roll-back of sorts from veterans "policing their own" and letting other vets know this was never what it was about.
MAJ (Join to see)
SGT James Elphick, I concur heartily. Unfortunately, if you read the comments field below this article, Mr. Harbaugh is very much maligned for his contention; by Veterans. This proves your point about the current entitlement mindset that has become pervasive among Veterans.
SGT (Join to see)
I haven't noticed the "hollow" thanks John. It's been my experience that the fad of thanking every person in uniform you see is more or less over, so a majority of the people that thank me are the genuine article. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of entilted vets out there, and you won't find me turning down a free beer, but I like to think that the people who feel "entitled" to free stuff due to their service represent the 10% we all know about.
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