Posted on Jun 8, 2015
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
A pool party quickly turned chaotic Friday in Mckinney, Texas when police arrived to the scene and began to chase, handcuff, berate and unnecessarily body slam adolescent girls for not obeying their every command.
The video begins showing a group of young teens dispersing a pool area to the sound of one hyped-up Mckinney officer yelling “MOVE, MOVE” while sprinting down a sidewalk with a baton – only to trip and fall down as he made his way past the videographer.
After getting back to his feet, the Texas cop continued sprinting across the street where he began forcing witnesses to the ground, even handcuffing a few bystanders.
6-7-2015 10-53-39 AM

“Get your ass out of here!” the officer yelled and a group of girls pulling a cooler.
After detaining a few more teens, the cop decided to give them a piece of his mind, probably upset and embarrassed that they had seen him trip on his own two feet.

“Don’t make me fucking run around here with 30 pounds of god damned gear on in the sun. Cuz’ you want to screw around out here?”
The cop quickly moves on to a group of teens huddled near the scene and took offense to them for allegedly running their mouths and demanded that they leave right away which they begrudgingly complied. The cop then went further down the sidewalk to shout at another group of kids but this time grabbed a young girl in a bikini and drug her by the arm and eventually slammed her to the pavement.

Bystanders were immediately upset by the cop taking such a violent approach to a situation and started to move in and help the girl. At that point, the cop draws what appears to be his service pistol as the bright yellow taser can be seen still attached to his belt and chases away the crowd. Luckily two other officers arrive to the scene at that very moment which may have prevented a very bad situation.
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Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 31
COL Jean (John) F. B.
SGT (Join to see)

From what I have seen on the video, it certainly looks like the police officer was heavy-handed and lost his self-control. I think his department will conduct the appropriate review and he will no longer be a police officer.

Having said that, some of the teens in the video (and, probably, not in the video) fueled the situation by not obeying the instructions of the police to disperse. Many of these so-called "police out of control" incidents could have been prevented by people obeying the law and/or obeying the instructions of the police who are attempting to investigate incidents / restore order at such scenes.
SGT Bryon Sergent
SGT Bryon Sergent
>1 y
SGT Keith Bodine, I too was part of the 187th and then became an MP. I was with 2nd BN in Desert Storm. Welcome home and thank you for your service. Rakassan!
COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
>1 y
PO2 Brian Rhodes

I think his resignation was never in question; that or be fired. Having said that, I don't think any charges will be brought against him, despite the race-baiters screaming for his head. I still think that his response was over the top, from what I have seen, however, when looked at in totality of the situation, I can see where he might have gotten to where he did.

It now looks like the crowd was not authorized to be in that area (private property and the organizer of the party did not have permission to hold it there). The crowd got out of control and the police were called. Upon arrival, the crowd failed to comply with the police and got increasingly confrontational. The video also shows that, prior to the officer drawing his pistol, he was being approached by several male teenagers, one of which was reaching in the back of his pants. Just saying that I will reserve judgment until all the facts are known.

This is just another instance of people having no respect for others' property and no respect for the police. The race-baiters are doing their best to turn this into a racial incident (cops against blacks), which it is not. Of course, the liberal media is playing right along with it.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
>1 y
I agree 100% with what this guy says... Don't be fooled by the title or his opening remarks. Watch the whole thing.

Caution -- Profanity -- Be careful who can hear this.
TSgt Erica Andrade
TSgt Erica Andrade
>1 y
I just came across that video today too. I thought he was crazy in the beginning but then skipped to the video and listened to what he had to say afterward. I totally agree that the officer was out of control, particularly with his attitude/language, and that needs to be addressed. But I do not believe it was racially motivated. The teens were being disrespectful to others all around (to the adults/residents) and not following the orders of the officers. That girl had multiple chances to just leave like the officer told her too but she kept talking back and getting in the way. The officer was being attacked at almost all sides for trying to arrest her before he pulled his gun. It was the wrong thing to do given they were a bunch of unarmed teens, but hindsight is 20/20 and as soon as things cleared up he re-holstered his gun. It's awful that so many are trying to spin this as a case of racism. It is possible that one of the residents did say something stupid in regard to race but that doesn't change the fact that they have to listen to the officers. The one officer was wrong in some ways and the teens were wrong in some ways. Both need to take responsibility for their actions.
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SGM Senior Adviser, National Communications
One rarely gets all the facts from media.
SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.
SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.
>1 y
One rarely gets all the facts .. period!
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
SGM (Join to see), and SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S., the story about how the cop acted is on video. You don't need facts when you see it happening, right in front of you. That little girl didn't need to be slammed to the ground. They're kids! They were scared to death. No weapons, no alcohol, no drugs. Just a crazy loon cop wanting to hurt or kill someone. If that were my daughter, I'd be in jail for assault on a cop and it wouldn't be a pretty assault. I'm a good citizen. Never been in trouble or had a ticket in my life, but that, would have put me over the edge. I don't understand your non concern about this. We need police, but crazy as a bat cop.
SGM Senior Adviser, National Communications
SGM (Join to see)
>1 y
Agree that things don't look good. However, justice demands that we don't act on appearances alone nor emotion, but on FACTS. The video may become the basis of fact.
SGM Senior Adviser, National Communications
SGM (Join to see)
>1 y
If the situation were not so sad, I would chuckle at how slow law enforcement and others are to realize everything we do is on record.
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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
We don't know the whole story yet, but this looks pretty bad.
It is hard to imagine what would justify these actions.
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
>1 y
CW3 Marc Granicki, as I've said, it looks bad. But I learned long ago to not jump to conclusions. It will be interesting to see how the investigation turns out. It is frightening to think an officer would just go off the deep end like that. It did not appear to me that there was anything going on that would warrant that response.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
1SG (Join to see), PO2 Brian Rhodes, CW3 Marc Granicki, Thank all of you. Your sentiments are exactly like I have written. That rouge cop caused more problems than the kids he was tossing around.
SSG Paul Ellis
SSG Paul Ellis
>1 y
None of us have all the information on this incident. What I think: The cop was letting is anger get the better of him. He was the only one running around like that. The other cops were calm and talking to the kids, trying to keep things calm. The other cops were probably talking crap about the one cop. We all know the type.

I watched the full, unedited video and you can see he lets 2 groups of girls go. One goes across the street to the left. The other goes down the sidewalk to the right. You can't hear the girl, but it's obvious she was talking crap to the cop. That's when he goes to arrest her.

We hear the kids around the ones with the video camera being polite, but - let's be honest - some of those kids were talking smack back to the cops. I told my daughter when she was young and I will tell my grandson: Don't piss off the cops. Doing so will result in 3 outcomes.
1. If it's a he said/she said, the cop will be less likely to see your side.
2. If you piss the cop off enough, he may detain/cuff you and may even sit you in the back of the cruiser to shut you up.
3. If you really give him a headache, he may decide to ruin your day and arrest you. It may be a bogus arrest, but you'll still be going to jail and probably have to make bail.

All of that doesn't excuse the cop. He shouldn't have dragged the girl back and cuffed her. He did it simply because she pissed him off. So he's wrong up to that point. He put himself in that situation, but those two kids were wrong coming up on him like they did. From the cop's actual POV, he had the girl on the ground, a loud group of kids forming around him and 2 kids running up on him. They were kids, but both of them were as big as the cop. He pulled the gun to back them off, then put it away. It shouldn't have gone that far, but it did.
TSgt Erica Andrade
TSgt Erica Andrade
>1 y
I also noticed how the other cops were just standing there letting the one cop act that way. Even going so far as to just step out of his way while already calmly talking to a group of kids. The calm cop had it under control and the other one came barreling over, but the calm cop just let it happen. I wondered why they didn't do anything to calm him down or at least tell him to get back in his police car and let them handle it from there. I realize it can be weird when you are trying to gain control over a situation like that and the "professional" who is supposed to be helping you is the one that needs to be controlled most, but still it seemed like they didn't even try.
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