Posted on Jun 7, 2015
Garden Valley Idaho School District arms schools, what is your opinion?
Garden Valley School District Arms it's schools to protect it's students from intruders, is this the best course of action, or should schools remain unarmed?
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 6
Cops aren't the only ones who are (allegedly) proficient in firearms. As long as these staff members continue training I don't see what the problem is!
Have you noticed what happens when police respond to a school shooting? When they finally decide to enter the school, the perpetrators generally shoot themselves. Why not have trained and armed teachers/administrators confront them sooner and end the madness?
I have absolutely no problem with this.
I have absolutely no problem with this.
SSG Gerhard S.
Excellent observation CPT Jack Durish . While officers often delay for officer safety concerns, it is likely that someone ALREADY inside the school whose life is already in danger will take immediate action to engage an intruder given the proper tools that are now, largely prohibited.
It's a darn shame that we have to go down this road. If we could fix people, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
SSG Gerhard S.
Clearly, some people are beyond repair, and all to often these shooters are already on psychiatric medications when the perpetrate their acts.
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