Posted on Sep 27, 2021
SPC (Non-Rated)
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Responses: 6
MSG Student
We don't you ask your NCOs? Or you can look it up in AR 670-1 for yourself.
SPC Nick Wood
SPC Nick Wood
3 y
Why is it whenever someone asks a question the response is go look it up? It's the laziest way of blowing off someone off. He is obviously having a issue with finding it or has found it but chain said otherwise.
MSG Student
MSG (Join to see)
3 y
SPC Nick Wood
1. It's a teaching point because everyone should know the reg
2. The amount of effort to ask the question on this forum is less than just looking it up on the same smart phone.
3. If the reg was found and comprehension is the issue they should ask their CoC.
3. If the CoC says otherwise, that's what you go with.
4. If the CoC is wrong, you still have to find the reg because using what some random person says on social media as your evidence is just plain stupid.
SPC Nick Wood
SPC Nick Wood
>1 y
Ahh the old why should I teach you point ... You see those last three "bullet" points you guys are infamous for using it's up to the chain of command. Lazy answer there top. Truth be told if you are that concerned with what your soldier has under his pt shorts as underwear maybe you were part of the problem. Try teaching your soldiers rather than blowing them off with the line of bs you just spewed.
SSG Infantryman
SSG (Join to see)
2 mo
He asked plenty of NCOs when he posted
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SSG Infantryman
DA PAM 670-1

10-6. General Guidelines

c. Commanders may authorize wear of utility gloves, reflective belts or vests, long underwear, and other items appropriate to the weather conditions and type of activity. If Soldiers wear long underwear or other similar items, they must conceal them from view with the running jacket and pants, if wearing the APFU.
d. Soldiers are authorized to wear commercially-purchased black spandex shorts under the APFU shorts. The length of the shorts must end above the bottom of the shorts or higher. The commercial shorts must be plain with no logos, patterns, or obtrusive markings. Soldiers are not required to buy the spandex shorts.
e. Soldiers with religious accommodations, in accordance with AR 670–1 and AR 600–20, are authorized to wear commercially-purchased black leggings under the APFU shorts. The commercial leggings must be plain with no logos, patterns, or obtrusive markings. Soldiers are authorized all other religious accommodations in AR 670–1 while in the APFU.
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SFC Michael Hasbun
Sure. Why not? Having said that, if there's a tape test, they have to be removed.
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