Posted on Sep 11, 2021
How will getting a divorce while owning real estate impact my BAH?
If i have a house solely in my name, and im receiving BAH, have pets(that the spouse will not be taking), and all bills/utilities/mortgage is in solely my name, and I get there any way that I can continue to get BAH in order to keep up with house payments/utilities/have somewhere to keep my pets? or will the army basically say "nope. no more BAH, you should sell your house and give away your pets"
-loc: fort campbell KY
-loc: fort campbell KY
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 11
Ok. The Army could go one of two ways. As you would be divorced, single again and a PVT, they could say no you no longer get BAH and must move into the barracks. The other way they could go is as you are already in a house, and getting BAH, they may let you keep it but reduce your BAH to just BAH without dependents. No the animals do not count as dependents. Get with you command. No one here can really definitively answer your question.
PVT (Join to see)
Thank you. Thats what I assumed but was just curious if anyone had this same situation
I wouldn't worry about the Army, I'd worry about the court. In many states the house is considered part of community property and will be considered as part of the settlement. You might have to sell the house to pay your, soon to be. ex. The Army will either tell you to move into the barracks or allow you to stay there and keep some of your BAH. I'd be looking into having someone take care of your home and rent it. Another scenario is the Army allowing you to live off post without BAH. In that case I'd look into getting roommates. You have much to discuss with your lawyer and your command group.
There is an exception to policy that may be granted by the post commander to allow you to continue to receive BAH for a while
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