Who wins the upcoming Presidential election, Democrat or Republican?
Here is a great thread, with some great talk/discussion about 3rd parties:
In complete transparency, personally, I've always voted Republican.
I'm not so sure about it, for this coming election.
I think the national context related to spending trillions on war, producing millions of veterans, then failing to take care of them, while simultaneously push to cut/modify/amend/etc certain benefits, has really begun to rub me the wrong way.
Granted, I know society is comprised of many more groups of people than JUST 'military/veterans', however, I think you can tell alot about a society by the way it treats its veterans....especially when you just asked them to bear the burden of war for 14+ years.
When some of the Republican AND Democrat candidates start proposing reductions to their own pay/benefits, then I think I may start listening.
I won't hold my breath.

2016 Presidential Race- If you could see anyone win who would it be and why? | RallyPoint
If you could vote for anyone to win the 2016 presidential election, who would it be and why? Who would you like to see make a run if they are not doing so already? Would it be Allan West? Mike Huckabee? Jen Bush? Gary Johnson, or dare I say Hillary Clinton.It disclaimer is that I want this to be a mature and legitimate conversation. I enjoy hearing other people's views and experiences. Like mama used to say "if you don't have anything nice to...
I liked THIS comment:
"None of the above. The Broom Party. Throw them ALL out and start over period."
P.s. If I'm not mistaken, I believe both the Democrats and the Republicans were actually 3rd parties, at one time. They rose to 'power' due to similar conditions as we are seeing with societies current disgruntlement with both parties.

Republican, Democrat, or other? What do we have more of here? What reasons do you like one party...
I have heard that the majority of the military tend to support the Republican party, although I am sure it is not a complete landslide. More recently it seems that the Libertarian party has gained a lot of ground among service members. I am doing a survey to see which way people in this group lean but I would also like to hear everyone's opinions on why they like one over the other, or what would get them to change their minds, or what they do...