Posted on Aug 29, 2021
i have a re code 3 with a honorable discharge can i get back in the army ?
i was in the army for 10 months halfway through ait i was discharged out due to “depression”. i have a reenlistment code 3 and a honorable discharge do i have a good chance at getting back in?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 8
I re-enlisted from the air force into the army with the same RE code. It took me a year and a half and a lot of work to successfully enlist. Prepare yourself for a long road ahead. I can connect you with my recruiter who got me in if you want to try. Also, I’d recommend getting a mental health evaluation from a psychiatrist while you’re waiting.
Only a Recruiter can give you a definitive answer. You will need a Waiver just for having an RE-3. However, waivers for RE-3 related/associated/linked to behavioral health are rarely ever granted. But, again, see a Recruiter for a definitive answer.
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