Posted on Aug 28, 2021
In AIT, how do I find out when/if my unit is deploying?
I’m a 15y & just curious on how I find out when my national gaurd unit is up for its next deployment so I can prepare while I’m in AIT .
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
Hell, just call them. And since you're at AIT, concentrate on AIT. One step at a time. Besides, there is no guarantee that you would be on the deployment roster.
Call your unit. These days National Guard Deployments are known months and in some cases, more than a year ahead of time. They will know if you are scheduled a deployment.
You should be ready at all times.. you're national guard.. that means a hurricane can hit and you will be sent there.. California fires, you could be sent.. the list goes on.. best thing to do is be ready and watch what's going on in the world...
CPT Lawrence Cable
I'm assuming he is referring to being deployed overseas, verses state activation.
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