Should we really be focusing on soldiers having tattoos, where we have a budget and downsize issue at hand? Or could they be all related?
I think there are a lot of issues they could be more focused on than tattoos.
However, this is my opinion on tattoos. Yes, I have tattoos. None of them can be seen while I'm in ACU's or ASU's. Mine are all professional looking and remain covered at all times. I do not have a problem with sleeve tattoos. But I do agree that having tattoos on your neck or hands can detract from the professional appearance of the uniform. I do think in the grand scheme of things these two issues could be related though.
I understand they are grandfathering Soldiers with sleeves in, which is fine by me, I don't have a problem with sleeve tattoos. But in the future if you have a Soldier get one on their hands or neck or any other area the Army has deemed "unprofessional" that you will be able to punish that Soldier which could ultimately lead to their separation. Just my opinion.