Posted on Aug 13, 2021
What can I expect going to Army BCT as an NCO, then transitioning to WOCS?
Background: I'm cross-branching from Navy to Army in order to attend WOCS as a 350F candidate. Prior to WOCS, I have to attend BCT in Fort Jackson, SC. My EAOS/ETS is the day before my ship-date, so there will be zero break-in-service. HRC approved my grade-determination request to stay E-6. I'm currently stationed in Homestead, FL on active duty with no dependents but I will have HHG to move (permanent duty-station TBD).
Just curious if anyone has had a similar experience going through basic as an NCO, cross-branching for WOCS, or starting a PCS without a confirmed destination. I'd appreciate if you could share your insights.
I'm going in humble with the expectation that I am a trainee "just like everyone else," but I've heard from some folks that they tend to handle NCOs differently?
Just curious if anyone has had a similar experience going through basic as an NCO, cross-branching for WOCS, or starting a PCS without a confirmed destination. I'd appreciate if you could share your insights.
I'm going in humble with the expectation that I am a trainee "just like everyone else," but I've heard from some folks that they tend to handle NCOs differently?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
Unless it specifically states in your orders, you shouldn’t be moving HHG to BCT. The Army should pay to move them to your first duty station, or training location if it’s over 6 months long. You will likely just have to put your stuff in storage initially.
As far as being an E6 in BCT, it’s gonna be weird. You may have Drill Sergeants who are E5s. The best advice for you is to just leave your rank at the door. Unless somebody is being blatantly disrespectful, you are just another trainee. If that happens just address it quietly and away from other trainees.
You should have separate sleeping arrangements, whether it’s a whole bay for prior service, or a small room for yourself. You will be expected to do all the training that everybody else does, however you may be leaned on to be the “responsible adult” with the trainees if you are proficient at something. You will net be expected to lead any sort of training.
Focus on learning the Army’s customs and courtesies, ranks, how we wear uniforms, and how basically how we do things in the Army.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask your DS, they are there to teach you.
As far as being an E6 in BCT, it’s gonna be weird. You may have Drill Sergeants who are E5s. The best advice for you is to just leave your rank at the door. Unless somebody is being blatantly disrespectful, you are just another trainee. If that happens just address it quietly and away from other trainees.
You should have separate sleeping arrangements, whether it’s a whole bay for prior service, or a small room for yourself. You will be expected to do all the training that everybody else does, however you may be leaned on to be the “responsible adult” with the trainees if you are proficient at something. You will net be expected to lead any sort of training.
Focus on learning the Army’s customs and courtesies, ranks, how we wear uniforms, and how basically how we do things in the Army.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask your DS, they are there to teach you.
PO1 (Join to see)
Sounds pretty consistent with what I've read/heard. I definitely look at it like I'm there to learn and not try to "flex my stripes." Looking forward to helping where I can though: I enjoy mentoring Joes and if that makes the DS job easier, thats good for all parties involved!
PO1 (Join to see)
Reading through your post from 2 years ago, found alot of good answers (albeit after I posted this, oops)! I'll contact you SEPCOR
CW2 (Join to see)
Yeah that post has helped usher at least 6 prior service through that I know of. I can give you the play book all the way to CW2. My date of rank is in 12 days. Best of luck!
Almost all prior service join before they find out both an MOS and a Duty Station. I assume that you are going to WOCS after Basic? Are you going to your Warrant Officer Branch Qualification after that? If that is the case, you will get your orders sometime during your Branch School. Needs of the Army. I didn't go through with any E-6's, but in general they treat the Prior Service people better, or as long as they consider that you know anything anyway. Still, you are going to be in for a shock, a lot of difference between the Cultures (My Son is MA1 Navy). Good luck.
CPT Lawrence Cable
PO1 (Join to see) Ft.Bragg isn't a BCT site, hasn't been since before I enlisted. Jackson is as close as you get. You head to flight school?
PO1 (Join to see)
CPT Lawrence Cable - oh yeah SSG was correct in his assessment. BCT as in Brigade Combat Team as opposed to Basic Combat Training. Talking to my Warrant mentors that is the most common 1st assignment for a WO1 technician, vice WO1 pilots
CPT Lawrence Cable
PO1 (Join to see) - Too many similar acronyms. I would have thought that the 101st would be the most common first assignment, but I haven't been active for a long time.
Oh, BTW, I liked Ft. Campbell and the Area, so if you do get that one as an assignment, it should be good duty. I haven't heard many former 101st soldiers bad mouth the Division or the Post.
Oh, BTW, I liked Ft. Campbell and the Area, so if you do get that one as an assignment, it should be good duty. I haven't heard many former 101st soldiers bad mouth the Division or the Post.
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