Posted on Aug 2, 2021
How long does it take to adjudicate my secret clearance?
I got accepted to reclass to 35L back in March. My secret clearance had to be adjudicated in March as well. I turned in all of my paperwork in time but my secret is still being adjudicated. Can anyone help as to why my secret is still being adjudicated and my TS(SCI) investigation is done?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
You need to go to your Security Manager / S2 representative. They have the ability to see in the system where your information is in the process or they can call into security clearance 'help desk' that can advise on where your information is, what step it is in and what needs to happen next.
It is not unusual for the process to take months, so patience is required. God Speed!
It is not unusual for the process to take months, so patience is required. God Speed!
Your security manager should be able to confirm and will be able to help you out. Even if the investigation is ongoing there should be an interim in place by now
SSgt Christophe Murphy
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff you are correct but with it being August There should be something in there by now if there wasn’t an issue with the initial package submitted in March. When going on Embassy duty every class goes through the process and it rarely takes that long to get an interim in place unless there are some major red flags. It was an interim TS pipeline for the classes going through every couple of months
SSgt Christophe Murphy
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff I can speak for the Army side but unless there have been significant changes in the last 12-36 months Interims are still issues out in the Marine Corps and Navy. I couldn’t imagine folks having to wait for access until their investigation closes. My TS took 11 months and I have no skeletons. I am square AF compared to my peers. But the current workload does have a lot to do with it. You are absolutely right there. That’s why I directed the young Cpl to their Security Manager. They will at least be able to give some insight or feedback depending on what’s going on.
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