Posted on Jun 30, 2021
1LT Examiner
I received word that I passed the board for Chaplain Candidate in D.C. and that I will go to my board for the National Guard in the middle of next month. Is there anything that I should know before going in or does anyone have any advice? Thank you.
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Responses: 2
SFC Casey O'Mally
We expect all Officers to be beyond reproach when it comes to personal ethics. We expect even more of our Chaplains - we expect them to be beyond even the CONSIDERATION of reproach.

Do not, for even a split second, consider telling the board what they want to hear, instead of what you truly believe. A lie by omission is still a lie. Using semantics, statistics, out of context quotes, or omitting/adding/changing context to hide the truth or to mislead are all still lies.

Know yourself, know your (anticipated) job, and give it to them straight.

(Now, none of that means you can't use tact. Nor does it mean you have to volynteer derogatory information or views that are not asked about. Just don't fact or omissions to lie.)
1LT Examiner
1LT (Join to see)
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Thank you SFC Casey O'Mally solid advice, I appreciate it.
CH (CPT) Jerry McGowin
CH (CPT) Jerry McGowin
>1 y
I knew a 1stSgt Fortenberry any relation? I held him in high regard.

Advice for the Board, look fit and squared away. Sit/stand in a strong posture. This gives the impression of authority. Use short sentences that are to the point. Do not try to guess the intent behind the question. Listen carefully.
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CH (MAJ) Full Time Support Chaplain
Do you mean DC National Guard? Are you talking about your Fed Rec Board?
1LT Examiner
1LT (Join to see)
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Sorry, my packet was approved in D.C. at the Fed level. I will be going to my final board for entry into the Texas National Guard. I just didn't know what to expect at the board. I'm told that if approved I'll commission that day.
CH (MAJ) Full Time Support Chaplain
CH (MAJ) (Join to see)
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1LT (Join to see) - I can't say I've ever heard of a State Fed Rec board going hard on an applicant. Typically, they've put a ton of work into getting you to that point. Relax. Know why you're there. Your passion and heart for service and ministry. You'll be fine.
1LT Examiner
1LT (Join to see)
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CH (MAJ) (Join to see) - Thank you, I appreciate that. I'm definitely looking forward to it, can't wait to get started!
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