Posted on Jun 19, 2021
SPC Member
If you take one look at a flag officers Facebook page or an official branch page of any of the armed forces you will find in addition to random supporters, a whole host of interesting characters.

- Supporters from random countries around the globe professing love for America.
- People wanting to enlist from Africa, South America, and Asia.
- Scammers pretending to be horny generals.
- Scammers claiming to be some boot stuck in another country with no way home.
- People preaching death to America.
- People from countries in strife essentially begging us to invade them to topple their government and improve their way of life.

What you do not see a whole lot of however is actual Americans posting on these pages. I found this to be an interesting look at social media from a foreign perspective and how the world uses it positively or negatively to communicate with the U.S. military or its supporters.

What do you think about the traffic on these pages? Have you informed friends and family about the scammers? Etc.
Posted in these groups: Social media logo Social Media79c97f6 OPSEC
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 8
SFC Retention Operations Nco
New Army leaders are starting to embrace the fact that more people get their news today from Social Media than they do from other internet sites. Social media platforms are now the go-to site now for putting out updates to family members and Soldiers.
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SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
The Army page has sooo many of those fake profiles on it, it's hilarious sometimes. To me it seems like a lot of these senior leaders - like flag officers - really aren't using their social media or even posting on them. The only person I've noticed who seems to use his social media is SMA and his presence on Twitter - actually engaging with people.

FB seems to attract more fake profiles than Twitter in my opinion. I'm not sure why. Although FB is weird on its moderation as when I report obviously fake profiles, I get told "doesn't violate our community standards." I have even had people message me with so obviously fake profiles using SMs pictures that aren't them. Sometimes I mess with them for a bit and then call them out as fake. It's just the names in the pictures don't even match the profile name or the URL user ID name. It's insane.

I think my family can spot scammers. I only have on grandparent left and she's not even on social media and I think she can spot scammers on the phone.
SPC Member
SPC (Join to see)
3 y
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff I've tried reporting them and received the same response, which tells me Facebook only cares about celebrities in that regard considering how narrow the reporting process is.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
3 y
SPC (Join to see) - I've seen celebrities even say they report fake pages and get the same thing. I think I've gotten 2 pages removed for being fake. I've also reported posts similar to what I've been flagged for and get told it doesn't violate community standards.

The issue is since covid it's gotten worse since they've been using more AI moderators. Also I've seen people say they get flagged for reasons they don't even know. Hell I just got a notification that I had a post flagged as "spam." I don't know when I posted it but the article is from 2011 and about the fake war on Christmas. So it seems like they're going back years on people's pages for some reason. I disagreed with it being spam simply because it wasn't and is possibly 10 years old.

A friend said she got flagged for calling her dog a stupid fat ass. Someone else I know didn't get their profile blocked but got blocked from posting on exchange pages but was never given a reason why. The last 30 day ban I got was for past behavior because I had disputed a post, they said they agreed it didn't violate but then next thing I knew 30 days.

But those higher up officer pages, I bet half the time they're not running their own pages.
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CPT Staff Officer
Oh irony................

I'm going to dime out the Military Intel Schoolhouse.

When I was a SPC in AIT we had exodus the first month (started 2-DEC). So my Cadre "encouraged" us to check in when we got home through the unit's FB page. Now they did allow us to call and leave a message, but the preference was FB.

I did not have a FB account until I entered Military Intel School.

Oh irony.

Basically...... once I had that FB account I started linking friendships with classmates (who were generally teens and early 20's) and then all the sudden I was getting friend requests from hot chicks named Kevin (foreign actors not knowing western gender names) who were friends of my classmates.

So I basically had to start trimming my friend list of young idiots and those probing requests stopped.

I feel sorry for the young. According to the internet I basically didn't exist until after 2000. So my entire life before my 30's is unknown. Today's youth can't forget that part of their life.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
3 y
CPT (Join to see) - When did you go to AIT? FB wasn't available to the public until 2006. I got my account in 2007 - only because a friend from basic/AIT was on it and that was the only way I could get ahold of her. Now she's hardly on it lol.

I went through AIT 2004-05 at Huachuca and during Exodus so no social media at that time. And I don't think Exodus started until the middle of the month. Whenever block leave is basically.
CPT Staff Officer
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