Posted on Jun 14, 2021
If I re-enlist into a different branch as a prior service, will my service time restart?
I served 6 years in the Army National Guard. I got out honorably in 2019. I want to re enlist and join the Air Force. My question is will my time in service start from 0 or will it start at 6 years?
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 4
If you're in Reserve Component and you join an Active Component only your time spent in an Active Duty Status will count towards your Active Duty retirement. Your total time in service will still count towards pay
Your Time in Service for pay will start at 6 years. Only your active duty time will count as time towards retirement. However, if you plan on staying for 20 years, you will get credit for non active duty points for retirement pay.
SGT Daniel Boland
I thought this was the case but I just recently entered active duty as an O3 and my 9 years of time in the NG did not equate to 9 years for pay, it has me at 3 years. It seems like finance looks at your retirement points and divides it by 365 and that’s how they determine your time in service for pay, at least for my case that’s how it is.
Reserve time will go towards time for pay (assuming you make it to retirement), but not Time in Service. Only time spent on Active Duty counts towards Active Duty time.
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