I served 8 years in the Army and was honorably discharged in 2010... I am currently going back in OCS... I never received my PCS award however I have verified that it was approved and was completed. contacted my unit but 5 years removed they have no recollection...anybody know how I can get it for my DD214 before coming back in.
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 13
When I was acting 1SG while preparing to PCS and the unit deployed to NTC, I had a small crew of clerks (pregnant, new to unit, profiles, etc) that I asked to go through the Orderly Room desks. There was a lot of stuff not filed, incomplete forms, trash, etc that had to be dealt with. One drawer had PCS/ETS awards that were never presented. I contacted the people that I could and mailed them their awards. Some were five years overdue.
Go ask the unit. Maybe the paperwork is still there.
Go ask the unit. Maybe the paperwork is still there.
I work in S1 and by regulation a soldiers records can only be held for two years after they ETS/PCS or transfered to the soldiers new unit. But if they don't have it you can check with the installations archive center. The units S1 should be able to give you a contact number. But if they do have it its going to take time for them to find it.
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