Posted on Jun 4, 2021
What can I do if my NCOER is 75 days past its thru date?
Initially my NCOER was completed by someone else that has been my platoon Sergeant in almost two years. When I read my NCOER it said send to SLC i asked/said i already attended SLC should it be just left there or should the senior rater change it, the rater said she needs to change it and he unsigned i told the senior rater she needs to delete that but has and I have told the acting 1SG and battery commander and nothing, what can I do about this situation, and like stated NCOER is pass it's thru date by 75 days?
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 3
If it's late you're not the one in trouble, it's a hit on your command. The next SSG Evaluation board doesn't open for almost a year. Take all the time you need to have a correct NCOER uploaded.
SSG Dennis Mendoza
SFC (Join to see) thank you for always giving such the great advice. I will definitely wait to have a good correct NCOER
SFC (Join to see)
SSG Dennis Mendoza great to hear. Remember it's a lot easier to fix it now than rebuttal it later lol
Find someone with access and have it deleted, then find some people you trust and are of the applicable rank to write you a new one. The system is broken, use it to your advantage.
Don’t worry about it. The rater has his ass in a sling if it’s late. You’re Golden, don’t sweat it. As you’ve noted, it’s above your pay grade
CPT Brock Young
Not true in the Army. There is no consequence to "leaders" who fail to complete their subordinates' evals. The only people who are hurt are the NCOs and Officers relying on them to do their jobs.
MSgt Mark Bucher
Bro that's just not right. Those "leaders" should have their feet held to the fire, be accountable for their' responsibilities. If I didn't have my basic draft of a troop's EPR on my CC's desk 30 prior to the closeout date, I was in his office trying to justify why.
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