Posted on Nov 16, 2013
LTC(P) Multifunctional Logistician
I have seen LTC acting as Division Chief of Staffs, yet there is a reluctance to select a junior COL for this position...
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Responses: 3
CPT Aaron Kletzing
Sir, I believe a junior COL could be more than ready for a Division CoS assignment. Time in grade should not weigh too much on this decision, in my opinion, compared to merit.
COL Jason Smallfield, PMP, CFM, CM
COL Jason Smallfield, PMP, CFM, CM
>1 y
Short answer: No, a junior COL should not be selected for DIV CoS. Long Answer: The growth and development of a COL is the same/similar to the growth and development of a LT, CPT, MAJ, or LTC. The basic model is PME (professional military education) followed by key/developmental assignment followed by broadening assignment. For example, a LT attends BOLC (IMT/PME), followed by PL assignment (KD) followed by CO XO (Broadening). Same for a CPT (CCC, CO CMD, AC/RC), a MAJ (ILE/CGSC, BN XO/S3, Broadening), and a LTC (PCC, BN CMD, Broadening). First, this model should not be thrown away just because we are talking a COL. Second, DIV CoS is considered a broadening position in preparation for promotion to GO. Third, a DIV CoS generally will be more effective when senior to the BCTs within the DIV (DIV CoS is a former brigade CDR position). A junior COL, by definition, would not be senior to the BCT CDRs. Finally, CPT Kletzing's argument that time in grade should weigh less than merit fits into my argument as well. Merit is defined as a former brigade commander who has been centrally selected via a board process and who has successfully completed brigade command. Otherwise is the argument that a junior COL (non brigade CMD, non centrally selected) has more merit than a former brigade commander? That dog don't hunt.
CPT Aaron Kletzing
CPT Aaron Kletzing
>1 y
Sir, thank you for the fantastic insights here -- this is excellent mentorship for me, and it taught me a lot, actually.  This particular point you mentioned is excellent in my opinion: "A junior COL, by definition, would not be senior to the BCT CDRs."  Thanks again! -- V/R, Aaron
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COL Vincent Stoneking
Well, I've just got to weigh in.
I absolutely support this concept, assuming the Army decides to make me a junior COL that is...

Otherwise, what COL Smallfield said. 
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SFC James Baber


My belief on this question is the same as it is on an enlisted member taking on a position of higher authority that is above their pay grade, if they are capable and considered qualified by the senior staff above the vacant position then there should be no issue. That is sometimes how people are able to move up and receive promotions through the recognition of performing above and beyond of their current positions.

I have seen Majors sit in as an acting BDE CDR before, so why not a new bird for a position that is designed for it anyways, just because they are new to the rank doesn't mean that they cannot perform up to the task of the position, now the opposite can sometimes be true as well.

I hope that can give some perspective from an enlisted senior NCO for you.

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