Posted on May 24, 2021
Does your 09R time count towards time in service in the Army?
I am currently a 14S. I’ve done Basic and AIT. I want to go to college and commission through ROTC and go AD. I know Officer Candidate(Cadets) obviously does not count for TIG when being considered for promotion, but what about my ALL TOGETHER TIS? For example I have one year now, and I do four in college. Does that mean I now have 5 Years time in service because I am a cadet but am prior service?
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 5
LTC (Join to see)
CPT Lawrence Cable I'm about to find out what good points are for active duty retirement. I'll let you know.
SFC (Join to see)
LTC (Join to see) for active duty, your points don't equate to time. Only your actual days spent on active duty count for time towards an AD retirement. Those days are counted as AD points, but all of your inactive/reserve time will not count towards your credit for AD retirement.
If you are about to retire and have service split between RC and AD, you should go and see your Career Counselor or S1. The regulation says that any officer who enters AD should immediately submit a DA 1506 upon entry to AD at their first duty station, but that almost never happens.
If you are about to retire and have service split between RC and AD, you should go and see your Career Counselor or S1. The regulation says that any officer who enters AD should immediately submit a DA 1506 upon entry to AD at their first duty station, but that almost never happens.
CPT Lawrence Cable
LTC (Join to see) - You should get full credit for points for pay, IDT time just doesn't count for AD retirement years.
Good luck and congratulations.
Good luck and congratulations.
LTC (Join to see)
SFC (Join to see) I was involuntaraly mobilized in 2019-2020 applied and approved for sanctuary. I turned it down to return home to my family. Now an organization near me has funded and requested two year orders. My understanding matches yours, all those points don't do anything on a regular retirement only activity duty days.
If you are SMP through your ROTC time, it will count towards your TIS.
Since you are MOS qualified, you should be exempt from the first two years of ROTC if you chose to skip them and then join in Junior year.
Since you are MOS qualified, you should be exempt from the first two years of ROTC if you chose to skip them and then join in Junior year.
It does in the National Guard, I don't know about the Reserves. It should be based on your Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) on your Enlisted Record Brief (ERB).
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