Posted on May 27, 2015
ISIS has a vision for victory, Obama doesn't. Do you think this is true?
Responses: 24
ISIS' vision for victory is a huge caliphate - that's a fairly grand desire. I'm sure the POTUS also has a a grand desire as well - peace across the world. When you get down to tactics, ISIS isn't hampered by the same thing the US is - we don't burn people alive, we don't want to put boots ob the ground, he has to work with a larger decision making body (Congress), etc. Not really apples to apples and not a fair question.
I don't think Americans want a prolonged ground war. But I do think that we should be protecting the Kurds. Let the Shia and Sunni fight it out.
I think ISIS is the only ones here that have a realistic plan. Everyone underestimates them. I don't know why. They think they will just beat them back. They failed over and over again. They aren't doing anything new. I don't understand how yesterday's failed strategy is going to work today. ISIS has been able to adapt and overcome. Their ability to adapt has led to their success. I plan is to hope Iraq has a plan. Iraq's plan is hope. We all have learned so far that hope isn't a plan.
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