Posted on May 19, 2021
Were the WW2 M1903-A3 Rifles made by Smith-Corona used as sniper rifles? Were they national match grade?
Responses: 2
Here are the 1903, 30-06 caliber Model 03-A3 rifles with two types sniper scopes mounted upon them. Springfield, Remington and Smith Corona all manufactured these 1903 Military weapons. From WWI, into WWII, Korea and even Vietnam these continued to be used as sniper rifles and were very accurate. There are versions that have been used some customized for that use and still are for civilian match shooting and still just as accurate. The American Legion post I'm a member of has 1903 Springfield, Model 03-A3's which We use in ceremonies and firing salutes and are still in top operating condition.
I read an article in American Rifleman about 20 years ago about the Springfield 1903 being used at the national match quite effectively by a WW2 vet. Not sure about 1903s made by any other manufacturers though.
I'd like to own any working 1903 myself for sure.
I'd like to own any working 1903 myself for sure.
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