Posted on May 18, 2021
How many parental leave days can I receive as active duty Army?
My wife delivery due is coming soon which is in next week. I joined the AD Army 9 months ago. How many paid days i can get as a parental leave? My friend works for Department of homeland security as GS-12 and he is saying that he is geting 4 month paid parental leave. Does military also get the same benefit? Its been just 9 month since i start AD. Does it have to be 1 year for me to be eligible
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 3
I got 0 when I was in. My son got 0 when he was in but things have changed. We both lived with our dependents when babies were delivered.
CH (CPT) (Join to see)
1LT (Join to see) , no. It's free leave and because it doesn't count against your leave balance you don't have to have any leave stored up at all to take it.
21 days for “Secondary Caregiver” status. You should pre-position a DA 31 and let your commander know what you’re planning to do. It is non-chargeable leave and must be taken within a certain time period (link is in the SFC’s comment). There is no requirement to take the leave directly after birth.
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