Posted on May 8, 2021
SPC(P) Bfv Maintainer
Does anyone know any sort of rule or regulations in regards to wearing a OCP ball cap in a duty uniform? For example in certain sections like Maintenance and recovery is there a way to have a commander memorandum giving permission to those crews to wear ball caps instead of the standard patrol cap during there duty day and while on mission, I’ve been finding very mixed info online for this, and my Commander is willing to look into letting us do it, if we can find regulations or memorandums on the top
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Responses: 4
MAJ Audiology
I believe this falls under that category of “or at commanders discretion” category. Just like combat shirts in deployed environments and boonie caps.
SPC(P) Bfv Maintainer
SPC(P) (Join to see)
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Thank you sir! Seems to be what everyone is saying about it, trying to find a regulation or a sample memorandum for him
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
>1 y
There isn't one. Commanders can modify the uniform at their whim within their area of control. A BN Commander can modify the uniform within the BN footprint, but you have to get "right" if you leave BN AO. This is why you see Cav folks wearing their funny hats - but only in the Squadron area (generally speaking). No memo is needed, just Commander OK. If the Commander WANTS to do a memo, he/she can, it is simply a memorandum for record written like any other Command Policy Memorandum.

On a few of my deployments, we had "TOC Hats" which were baseball caps we were allowed to wear both inside and outside, but only in the BN AO. On one of those deployments, our racks were located on the other side of post. If we wanted to wear the TOC Hat we had to wear a PC to work, then trade out. I kept my hat on my desk, and just swapped out when I got to work in the morning, and again at the end of the day. On another, our racks and the DFAC were both in the BN footprint, so I only wore my PC when I had to go visit other units. No memo for either, just SCO/BC giving the verbal OK. (But we *did* have a memo for funny hat (Stetsons) day)
MAJ Audiology
MAJ (Join to see)
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Great example. I’m sure getting to wear something civilian type from back home made you feel pretty good and did a lot for morale. Sounds like you had pretty good leadership that tried to look out for their soldiers. SFC Casey O'Mally
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Commanders can make memorandums for almost anything. A lot of places use ball caps. “Black caps” and “red caps” are terms used in a lot of school houses to identify instructors like airborne. In all three previous flight companies we have used them. Not quite sure the format of the memo. AR 670-1 para 28-3 subsection f discusses organizational caps (pg 181 of the 2005 edition- you’ll have to look it up in the new reg). It’s just like wearing company patches on your OCPs or company shirts to PT.
SPC(P) Bfv Maintainer
SPC(P) (Join to see)
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Thank you! I will look that up!
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SGT Squad Leader
I am not sure what type of ball cap you are referring to, however, here on Fort Hood there are a few units that allow them due to being connected to the history of the unit, so they are colored in the same ocp pattern but have the unit and or BDE symbols that describe the history of the unit and they are not worn outside of the motor pool area.
Now if you wanted to wear a golf hat or something else non military related then there is no regulation for that.
It really depends on the unit and its history, an example would be a cavalry unit that wears a cover that is symbolic of the great history of the unit and the division.
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