Posted on Apr 30, 2021
What is the path to become an Aviation Warrant Officer?
My son is interested in flying helos as a Warrant Officer in the Army. Would he go to Enlisted basic training first, or is there a Warrant Officer basic training course?
Edited 4 y ago
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 5
Your son would attend the current basic combat training. From there he would go to the Warrant Officer Candidate Course of ~4-6 weeks. From there he would remain at Fort Rucker in the Bravo Company where he’d await and attend his initial flight training. Based on interests and how his scores look he’d be assigned an airframe and train on that for around a year (different frames have different lengths).
Your son would attend the current basic combat training. From there he would go to the Warrant Officer Candidate Course of ~4-6 weeks. From there he would remain at Fort Rucker in the Bravo Company where he’d await and attend his initial flight training. Based on interests and how his scores look he’d be assigned an airframe and train on that for around a year (different frames have different lengths).
He can apply for street to seat but is still required to go to basic combat training
Gents ---- Thx for the info! The knowledge on this forum is fantastic, so I knew I could get a quick answer. Appreciate it.
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