Posted on Apr 28, 2021
What are some options for training during the delay between commissioning and IBLOC?
There seems to be a significant delay between when a ROTC cadet receives his commission and when he can expect to start active duty (at least for Infantry officers). Any options for training or courses while waiting.
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 5
Active Duty is not going to start the new ROTC grad on the payroll until they have a training seat reserved for BOLC.
That said, once those orders are published, if the words "early reporting authorized", there is the opportunity to show up and Benning as much as 30 days early.
For Infantry, since the BOLC class will likely have to be broken into 3 groups to filter in to Ranger School, groups 2 and 3 have ample opportunity two squeeze in a few 2-3 week schools, like Airborne, MLOC, Stryker leader, etc.
Might be able to squeeze in one of those on the early report, might not.
That said, once those orders are published, if the words "early reporting authorized", there is the opportunity to show up and Benning as much as 30 days early.
For Infantry, since the BOLC class will likely have to be broken into 3 groups to filter in to Ranger School, groups 2 and 3 have ample opportunity two squeeze in a few 2-3 week schools, like Airborne, MLOC, Stryker leader, etc.
Might be able to squeeze in one of those on the early report, might not.
Sgt Dale Briggs
A good bit of my class at Benning was ROTC guys going thru jump school, from there some were going to Ranger School. That was June 1977, so times change maybe the ROTC guy don’t get so many slots today with I guess only the 82nd being active,
This program has tons of training available.
MAJ Jerry Murray
Thank you. I'll pass it on to my son since I am a lowly retiree without a CAC card and he is a "Worthy One" with a card.
SGM Tere Moore
If you have a DS Logon, you might be able to use this program too! I know I was able to get on it a couple of weeks ago & I retired from Army civilian service last Sept/gave up my CAC (retired as a soldier in the Army in 2015 after 41 yrs svc). Also, I worked in an ROTC Bn from 2005 thru 2008 as an HR Tech & in Finance at Hqs, Cadet Command-including paying cadets their monthly stipend!-thru 9/2016. So I know he can also get in touch with the cadre at the ROTC department he participated in & ask them for advice as well as volunteer his time and assist prepping cadets who will attend those CST courses over the summer, like basic & advance camp, ABN-S, AAS, and the like. Unfortunately, there's always been a huge delay between commissioning & attending BOLC-B / branch course. It's great that he interested in spending his time doing something related to Army life. Suffice it to say... The time between commissioning & BOLC-B is exactly like the summer breaks in elementary & secondary schools. Kids tend to forget some of what they learned the previous school year. Good luck to him!
MAJ Jerry Murray
SGM Tere Moore - I just got the DS Logon and tried the courses but was told I don't have access as a retireee. No problem since my son will have access.
Hey Sir, are you looking for official Army training options or options that your son could do on his own or with you?
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Jerry Murray - So I am not a combat arms officer and unfortunately do not know any infantry officers on here so please bear with me as I also do not know your hobbies. One soldier skill that has improved for me is shooting as it has become an off duty hobby. I reload as well. My preference is the M1 and M1A at 30-06 and .308. Shooting those and then going back to the M4 makes the m4 super easy. I have built rifles as well and when I go to the range, I am a master of my weapon and this is something you could do together. I love the SAMMI site, so much to learn. A good reloading manual has tons in it even if never reloading. MAJ Ken Landgren he was an armor officer, maybe he can give you some ideas.

SAAMI was founded in 1926 at the request of the federal government and tasked with creating and publishing industry standards for safety, interchangeability, reliability and quality, coordinating technical data and promoting safe and responsible firearms use.
MAJ Jerry Murray
MAJ Byron Oyler - I guess we better start reloading - we can't find any 9 mm, 556, or 308. Friends that reload are also having trouble. We do shoot together and completed a 5 day defensive handgun together. I would like to say he could use my AR-15 but it is actually my wife's (also ex-military) and something she got back in 19865 (a real classic). I just signed him up for a online math class for shooting offered by someone I know ( Once he graduates he'll have time to do in-person shooting classes.
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Jerry Murray - has decent reviews. Last couple of months I have easily been able to find .308 it just takes some patience. is pretty good at having some firearms to buy plus ammo and other things.

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