Is against the AR 600-8-2 and 600-8-19 That the CoC don't want to provide a memo sign by O6 to recommend stay or not in the promotion list?
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 1
Only a commander of an organization authorized a colonel or higher as its commander can reduce a sergeant first class. AR 600-200, paragraph 6-1, outlines reduction authority for each grade.
To answer your question, in practice this is only if the person has received an Admonition or Reprimand and currently pending promotion to higher rank to E7 and above.
Admonitions or Reprimands, either oral or written, as an administrative measures.
(See AR 600-37.)
To answer your question, in practice this is only if the person has received an Admonition or Reprimand and currently pending promotion to higher rank to E7 and above.
Admonitions or Reprimands, either oral or written, as an administrative measures.
(See AR 600-37.)
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