Posted on Apr 25, 2021
PFC Small Arms/Artillery Repairer
Hello, I'm a member of the Wisconsin Army National Guard and am currently in the middle of transitioning to a female and was wondering if there is any sort of policy that prohibits a biological male soldier from wearing a bra while in uniform, I have already dyed my hair a natural blonde color which is authorized by the new AR 670-1 but am looking to do more to ease my gender dysphoria while in uniform, by my understanding there is no policy prohibiting a biological male soldier from wearing a bra whilst in uniform but am double checking here.

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Responses: 33
MSG Jacqueline Case
I don’t know why it would; since it’s not worn on the outside of the uniform who would know?
CW3 Network Architect
CW3 (Join to see)
4 y
I'm with MSG Case on this one. If someone's looking long enough to realize there's a bra under your t-shirt, one has to wonder what the objective is.
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CPT Advisor
If you receive any friction from your chain of command, another avenue to explore would be medical/behavioral health. As a provider, if I had a patient in your situation I would be willing to educate your command and/or write you a profile stating it is medically necessary during your transition. These are just a couple of outside-the-box examples your med/BH providers might help you with.
PFC Small Arms/Artillery Repairer
PFC (Join to see)
4 y
That is a very great idea and I will definitely keep that in the back of my mind I'm case I run into that situation , thank you sir.
SGT Air Defense Radar Repairer
SGT (Join to see)
4 y
The new DoDI becomes effective 30 April
SGT John Prolo
SGT John Prolo
4 y
What in hell has happened to our military? All the Chinese will have to do is call y’all some names and it’s over. May GOD have mercy on your souls.
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MSG Intermediate Care Technician
Edited 4 y ago
AR 670-1, Section 2-10(d) states "Soldiers will comply with all standards for uniforms and grooming for the Soldier’s gender. The Army recognizes a Soldier’s gender by the Soldier’s gender marker in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System" This is where Leadership may get you in regards to not being allowed to wear a bra, especially when coupled with DA PAM 670-1 Section 20-32. In that section it states that females will wear bras with all uniforms. It does not state that men can wear them (it also doesn't state that males can't wear them). What I mean is that since you stated you are going thru the Transition, and last I understood the policy (unless it has changed) that you will wear uniforms in accordance with your gender that is marked in DEERS. And that you cannot change your gender in DEERS until such time as the transition process is completed.

Again, this is how I can see potential friction with your Command in regards to wanting/needing to wear a bra. Personally, I could give a rats ass if you wear one. But that's just me. I recommend you seek out legal guidance from JAG so that you can have a clear cut understanding for this.
PFC Small Arms/Artillery Repairer
PFC (Join to see)
4 y
Thank you for such a detailed response, I will definitely reach out to my nearest base JAG office and ny coc is very supportive so far in getting me mental health, contacting tricare for me and getting me the latest dod policy going over transitioning
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
MSG (Join to see)
4 y
PFC (Join to see) - I wish you the best of luck in your transition.
SGT Air Defense Radar Repairer
SGT (Join to see)
4 y
PFC (Join to see) - Jag is a good place to get clarification. If they give you an opinion get in writing so you can have something to show if someone wants to get stupid with you. As sure as the sun comes up in the East some crusty NCO or an Officer with an attitude will say since you were not issued to you you cannot wear it.
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