Posted on Apr 15, 2021
SSgt Mike Conway
I have been stewing this over since I first heard that President Biden was considering a withdrawal. I was in the military when the attacks on September 11th happened and I still remember how I felt that day. To say that I would have supported nuking Afghanistan or any other nation harboring terrorists back into the stone age would have been an understatement. I also remember the patriotic furor that ran through this country. Yet as time wore on, that faded. Is Afghanistan my generation's Vietnam? Did it become that? I can't help but feel that we allowed the terrorists to win by not exterminating every single Taliban on the planet. Yes, I understand the difficulty of the task. And to my brothers and sisters serving today, I understand that the President is the commander in chief and it is your duty to salute smartly and say, "Yes, sir!" when given an order. God bless!
Posted in these groups: Afghanistan Afghanistan
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Responses: 11
MSG Stan Hutchison
Fighting FOR an idea is great. Fighting against an idea is futile. Unless we want to go in 100%.
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CPT Staff Officer
There is no end plan. We are not willing to rebuild it like Japan and Germany with our set of ideals and ramming our morals down their throats. Remember Japan said they would die to the last, and we obliged them from the safe haven of the air and nuking them? Then they said, oh wait, we were speaking figuratively.

Afghanistan is just a military industrial complex abyss we continue to throw blood and money into.

If President Biden is the one to get us out and Trump was not, then all I have to say to that is WTF???

At the end of the day, if we left then, now or tomorrow the whole shit hole is going right back to what it was as wild frontier for radical terrorist training. So, the question is, are our resources better served fighting terrorism without that costly base of operations in the heart of it?

Lord knows we could benefit greatly from reallocating our strategic resources for the longer game with China. I think this is going to be the bigger deciding factor. There are too many greed interests in keeping Afghanistan the status quo, but we have probably hit a resource limit to our overseas defense, and the same greed interests might be swayed into moving out of AFG of those dollars are still spent elsewhere shoring up the China countermeasure.
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SSgt Christophe Murphy
We will see when/if it happens. The previous two administrations said they would withdraw from Afghanistan as well.

We had a withdrawal day of May 1st and now it’s delayed while people celebrate like we didn’t already have a date set.

I am very skeptical we will see a withdrawal from Afghanistan this year
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