Posted on Apr 13, 2021
Conducting inventories: right tool, wrong brand?
When conducting inventories, if you’re going through a toolkit, and the item is the correct one (like 3 inch type 1 screwdriver), but it’s made by the wrong company (Stanley as opposed to Armstrong), do you consider that a shortage, call it good, or is it commanders discretion? Looking for the right answer that doesn’t end up with a FLIPL in 12 months without also unnecessarily charging Soldiers.
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 5
As far as I know your supply can go in and update that in GCSSA. I'm not a supply guru by any means, this is just something I've gleaned from listening to the Commanders and supply Sergeants over the years during inventory. Apparently when the Army switched to GCSSA a few years ago there were massive issues with certain property items transferring correctly so the system allows the commander to make certain switches. I would get with your S4 NCOIC, as opposed to your company supply SGT, and they can get into the nitty gritty of how to do it.
As everything else in the military it all depends on circumstances, and possible outcomes. Is the inventory out of date, was the tool properly replaced. Being in Aviation our tool control is very stringent due to a misplaced or even broken tool possibly having catastrophic outcomes. Now if i drop anything other than a 10mm while working in my garage I'm not spending hours looking for it.
I have never ran across an issue concerning tool manufacturer. We never annotated the brand on our SL3 inventories. Now if the section that you inventory has a contract with a dealer like Stanley or Snap on, and all gear is listed by brand on the inventory, then I see it as a discrepancy that may need to get fixed later on.
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