Posted on May 22, 2015
Cpl Anthony Pearson
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I recently discovered an absence of Facebook groups dedicated to various perks, benefits, discounts and freebies that are available to veterans all year long, or during certain holidays. I decided to create one,, and then promoted it on Facebook and other military channels. The response was incredible, as both civilians and service personnel jumped onboard and started sharing information.

One individual, followed by a few others, stated that the whole idea of freebies and discounts for veterans makes them uncomfortable and they feel ashamed to take advantage of it. I admit, I have felt this a little bit, too, over the years. I spent some time thinking about it and decided that I am 'ok' with it, and here is why...

If I owned my own business (and I kinda do, somewhat), I would look for ways to honor and help our nations military members and veterans. I wouldn't do it because I think I need to, I would do it because I *WANT* to. I feel strongly about it, and I know that many other people feel the same way. It is impossible to thank everyone on an individual, person by person basis, so offering a special service or discount - across the board - seems like a great way to get the word out and share the sentiment of, "We love our military, and we want to do something special for all of them."

If I owned a mattress company, I'd discount mattresses or maybe even help get the right type of bed system for service members with unique disabilities. I'd offer free in-home installation or something.

If I owned a restaurant, I would absolutely offer free or heavily discounted meals.

I happen to do photography and graphic design, and I often donate my abilities to those who served. I do what I can, when I can, and it feels good. It feels RIGHT.

I'm wondering what you all feel about this. Inquiring minds want to know.
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Responses: 19
PO1 John Miller
Of course I take advantage of the military discounts/freebies offered by various merchants. However, I would still patronize a business if I like their product even if they didn't offer perks to active/retired/veterans.
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GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
Like that company has earned my business!
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CAPT Kevin B.
I'm with the love its. However I also realize there're different motivations out there. Companies that have a 10% discount and also have a strong veterans hiring program think it's important to support Vets. The side benefit of positive customer support is a plus. That support would have been highly absent in the mid '70s, hence I'd conclude the stars have aligned to have these discounts more widely available.

Then there are the lip service ones. Here in Bonners Ferry there is a ProX hardware store. They have a military discount, only on Wednesdays, only on small stuff, with volume stuff like roofing, sheetrock, lumber, etc. off the table. That's why I make up a shopping list and hit the Home Depot in Ponderay every other week.

The Home Depot, Lowes, etc. types have made a business decision that is supported by an analysis that their profits are not unduly harmed by their policies. That said, at some point military discounts disappear without notice. We see it with some small businesses that say the increasing Governmental intrusions are bleeding them dry and can't afford discounts for anyone. Now it will be a game of Chicken with Home Depot and Lowes; neither wanting to be the first to back away as social media will make it very visible.
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