Posted on Apr 6, 2021
Melissa Dix
Good evening, I am wondering what would be the best way to go about re-entering into the military after going through a hardship discharge 3 years ago from the Army.

I currently am seeking enlistment into the Marine Corps and I am unable to find any recruiter at all to want to work with me. I have been told that an Re-3 Honorable code would require a waiver. So I guess I am wondering what my other options would be if there is no recruiter willing or able to work with me on this?
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Responses: 3
SSG Brian G.
You have an RE-3, that alone is a hoop jumper as it will require some kind of waiver. You getting a hardship discharge is an eye catcher in and of itself. Because the Marines especially are going to look at that and do some questioning. What was it that you could not endure so much that you had to get out prior to your enlistment contract being up? Enough so that you HAD to get out? It leads to a "this person quits when the going is tough" mental outlook about the recruit, that right or wrong, tends to make people not want to go through the hoops to help you get eligible. Especially when there are 10 lined up behind you where literally all they have to do is fill out paperwork, send them off to MEPS and sit back and drink a cup of coffee.

At any rate, good luck.
Melissa Dix
Melissa Dix
>1 y
Good afternoon and thank you for your response SSG !

After I spending 3 years in the Army, my husband( Marine Corps Veteran) started struggling with PTSD.

He was able to go seek help from the VA.

And of course they told him that he would probably need to be admitted to the psych ward for around 6 months to a year for his help.

All the while with a new baby that was just born and no child care. At the same rate having no family to turn to makes that even harder.

I would like to note that the Army was far from "tough" by any means. It was a more of a cakewalk and most highly lacked discipline. Thank you!
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SSgt Christophe Murphy
Marine Recruiters expect more. Quotas are generally low enough that they are flexible enough to be a little tougher on standards. If you want to be a Marine you need to prove to the recruiter you are serious about it and that you are worth the amount of paperwork they will need to do to make you eligible. I don't know the details of the discharge but the Marine recruiters will immediately be skeptical and assume the worse in regards to why you were given an RE3.

If you really want to be a Marine you need to go above and beyond. Good luck.
Melissa Dix
Melissa Dix
>1 y
Thank you for your response I greatly appreciate that.

So I spent 3 years in the Army. I was a great Soldier with the highest PT scores.

My RE 3 was due to my husband who,at that time, was suffering from PTSD from afganistan( Marine Veteran).
My husband unfortunately was told he would need to be placed in the VA psych ward for a good 6 months to a year.

Mind you our first baby was just born right when this all started. I have no family neither does he that were willing to be our child care. My 1st SGt decided that a hardship discharge would be for the best.

He told me at that time that I would be eligible for re enlistment once everything was straightened out.

So it has been 3 years my husband has gotten the help that was needed from the VA.

So now I'm stuck with a RE-3 honorable discharge that no one will work with.

I have drove as far as 8 hours to Marine Corps recruiters who promised to help me and than just simply ghosted me. I've been to every single recruiter in every big city and small town near me with no luck.

I guess my next move will be to dish out the dough for a Military lawyer to upgrade my RE code. Or try to change it myself.
Thank you kindly for the goodluck and response again !
SSgt Christophe Murphy
SSgt Christophe Murphy
>1 y
I'm glad to hear your husband got the help he needed. I would just keep pressing the recruiters for a response. Instead of driving 8 hours to another RSS I would just escalate your query to the RS leadership. You could work with a veteran advocate or VSO to work on getting your RE code issues fixed but it will be difficult to know what problem to fix without an official response from the Recruiters.
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MSG Intermediate Care Technician
Marines RARELY take prior service. Air Force sometimes takes them. Try Army or Navy. Either way, you're going to have to shop around for a Recruiter that's willing and able to work with you and submit a waiver request
Melissa Dix
Melissa Dix
>1 y
Thank you for responding to this, I appreciate that a lot.

I have been to every single recruiter and even drove 8 hour trip to one that was willing to work with me. I think you're right they do not want any prior service. I really just don't quiet understand that but I guess it is what it is. thank you SFC!
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Melissa Dix it's because they don't get points for prior service. At least, that's what a recruiter once told me. But again, if you can find one, do everything you can for them and they should do everything they can for you
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