Posted on May 21, 2015
SGT Ben Keen
Thanks to the great people here at RallyPoint, I was able to represent the community in a recent interview with People's Magazine. The article takes a look at what we are doing to change the conversation around PTSD and how Veterans are viewed and how RallyPoint is playing a huge role in that change.

With a lot of new people coming on board and wondering what sort of great things RallyPoint is doing for the Veterans across the country, this is just one example. I'm by no means trying to inflate my ego; I took this interview as a chance to play a small role in the larger wheel of things and to be a voice of how we as Veterans can change the conversation.

So before I continue, I just wanted to thank LTC Yinon Weiss and the rest of the amazing staff here at RallyPoint for this great oppurtutity. I hope I did everyone proud. I truly believe in the mission of RallyPoint and I really enjoy interacting with everyone here even if we don't see eye to eye.

So now on to the discussion. What are ways that you as fellow Veterans and members of RallyPoint are changing the conversation? Are you out telling your story in an attempt to educate the public? What are some great programs happening on the local scene that are taking part in this awesome change?
Posted in these groups: 78568930 PTSDMilitary civilian 600x338 Transition
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Responses: 4
LTC Stephen F.
1st. I try to dampen tension and respond with respect versus trying to get the last word in, or ramp up the tension.
2nd. When possible focus on the positive. If criticizing I do my best to propose an alternate solution, approach, etc,
SGT Ben Keen
SGT Ben Keen
10 y
I think you have really hit the nail on the head LTC Stephen F., while everything isn't perfect with Veterans I think sometimes we have to do as you say and dampen the tension and focus on the positive . The issue I've been seeing is that news markets and the general public love to focus on the negative and brush off the positive.
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SrA Teleservice Representative
AMEN Brother... PTSD and its role in the 22 vets that we loose each day is something that if we all got on board with I feel we as a community could have a major impact on.
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SPC Human Resources   Labor/Employee Relations
Great article!
SGT Ben Keen
SGT Ben Keen
10 y
Thanks SPC (Join to see)! It's great to see issues about Veterans hitting the news stand on the same day as feedback of David Letterman leaving the Tonight Show.
SPC Human Resources   Labor/Employee Relations
SPC (Join to see)
10 y
Maybe one day the media will realize pop culture/celebrity news really isn't as important social issues such as veteran issues... one can hope, right?!
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