Posted on Mar 23, 2021
2LT Matthew Smith
Has anyone heard of a Fedrec scroll changing? I was in L01-21 at Jag and now in L02-21 with zero days in approval cycle. Looking for insight?
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Responses: 2
CW3 Counterintelligence Technician
Happens often (people dropping off, scrolls consolidating, etc.). In fact, happened with me twice on my last promotion.
2LT Matthew Smith
2LT Matthew Smith
4 y
Thank you. Did that extend you fedrec wait time? I am asking cause
This has already been almost year process
CW3 Counterintelligence Technician
CW3 (Join to see)
4 y
2LT Matthew Smith Changing scrolls normally does not affect the timing. Yours is likely only taking that long because of your rank. 2LT to 1LT, and WO1 to CW2 scrolls are only processed quarterly, and are lowest priority. This is because those are also the only scrolls that are automatically backdated to eligibility date. So take solace in the fact that when published, your orders *should* be back dated significantly.
1LT Infantry Officer
1LT (Join to see)
4 y
Where do you get this info? I’m not being critical I’m just curious because everyone I ask explains the fedrec process as if it is some type of wizardry. How do you know they only process 1LT packets quarterly? If so when do those quarters rotate? Is it calendar year or fiscal?
CW3 Counterintelligence Technician
CW3 (Join to see)
4 y
1LT (Join to see) - The information comes from NGB G1. Also, this only applies to guard/reserve officer promotions (and again, only W1-W2 and O1-O2). It has been this way for reservist officer promotions for some time. Also, I have been promoted a few times as a guard officer, as other officers know, you learn these things rather quickly, and many state G1 offices put out help files and information pamphlets. If you are becoming an officer in the guard or reserves and are more interested in this process, I suggest you reach out to your S1.
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CPT Commander
Came here to ask this exact same question. I was in L01-21 as well at JAG and then I checked again, wondering what is taking so long, and am now L02-21 and back to 0 days in the cycle. My packet has been pending for almost 15 months now, at least there is back pay for this one I guess...
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