Posted on Mar 13, 2021
How do I move from enlisted 13R to physical therapist?
I am currently an active duty 13R in the Army. I was previously a physical therapist and am actively licensed as a physical therapist. I want to be an active duty physical therapist in the army and am looking for any advice suggestions contact's etc that anyone knows of and is willing to share. I already have a doctorate in physical therapy and a current valid state license to practice but don't know where and who to talk to to get the process going or if that is even an option for me, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 4
If you're a 13R you should have a secret clearance, as long as you are an American Citizen you can request a direct Commission into AMEDD. I'm guessing that you can't though because it would be extremely off for a recruiter to have a fully qualified PT who is eligible for direct Commission, to have them enlist instead. If you are/were fully qualified to be an officer in the US Military you can contact AMEDD recruiting about doing a direct Commission and you'll be granted a commission with your rank determined by your experience in your field. If, as I suspect, you're not completely qualified to be an officer then you cannot be a physical therapist in the Army.
Quick rundown of what you'd need to be eligible:
Citizen of US or Authorized Territories
110 GT
Secret Clearance
No moral / legal disqualifications
Pass a commissioning physical
Age limit (waiverable)
Hold appropriate degree level and current license/registration for your skill in one of the States
If you were actually 100% qualified to direct Commission as a PT when you enlisted, then that was a huge screw up on some recruiters part
Quick rundown of what you'd need to be eligible:
Citizen of US or Authorized Territories
110 GT
Secret Clearance
No moral / legal disqualifications
Pass a commissioning physical
Age limit (waiverable)
Hold appropriate degree level and current license/registration for your skill in one of the States
If you were actually 100% qualified to direct Commission as a PT when you enlisted, then that was a huge screw up on some recruiters part
MAJ(P) (Join to see)
CPT (Join to see) - YES! Some of the AMEDD recruiters are terrible! If you walk into a non-AMEDD recruiter they will get you to enlist as they do not care about AMEDD. From my experience 5 years ago, the board that reviews PT packets meets once/year. So if you miss the deadline you are placed back in the pile for the next go round in a year. The recruiter can only make sure your packet is complete and get it to the board. Then you have to remember your acceptance is not a given. There may be limited spots depending on "needs of the Army". For example, there were 4 spots available in my year and 20 applicants. So it can be competitive. They are essentially hiring you for the job so take the packet seriously, as well as the interview. Anything you can highlight will be to your benefit, prior service, and specialty certification, i.e., OCS, SCS, etc, civilian experience as a PT and how it would help you with your work with Soldiers.
It sounds as if you have the qualifications, most important of which is DPT. You have to keep nagging the recruiter to take them to task. Be persistent. Ask them for timelines and hold them to deadlines, and FOLLOW UP! Email, call, and if all else fails, walk into the office and ask to talk to the OIC or NCOIC. Let them know their Soldier is not DOING THEIR JOB! Their job is to get your packet complete and get it in front of the board. That is their role. I didn't get an email or return call for 3 months, was stood up at several planned meetings, had my recruiter changed 3 times. Stood outside of MEPS with my recruiter at 0400, after 8 months of packet prep, only to have them tell me we missed the board. All-in-all it took 2.5 years to get my commission. Good Luck!
It sounds as if you have the qualifications, most important of which is DPT. You have to keep nagging the recruiter to take them to task. Be persistent. Ask them for timelines and hold them to deadlines, and FOLLOW UP! Email, call, and if all else fails, walk into the office and ask to talk to the OIC or NCOIC. Let them know their Soldier is not DOING THEIR JOB! Their job is to get your packet complete and get it in front of the board. That is their role. I didn't get an email or return call for 3 months, was stood up at several planned meetings, had my recruiter changed 3 times. Stood outside of MEPS with my recruiter at 0400, after 8 months of packet prep, only to have them tell me we missed the board. All-in-all it took 2.5 years to get my commission. Good Luck!
CPT (Join to see)
MAJ(P) (Join to see) Thank you so much for the advice. I really appreciate the guidance guidance information.
MAJ(P) (Join to see)
CPT (Join to see) - Anytime! Remember that you want to not only highlight why you are the best Soldier for the job, but ultimately you are there to serve and care for other Soldiers! Why do you want that position as a care provider and a leader? Do you have a patriotic streak, a passion to serve, do you want Soldiers to have the best care possible to keep them fit to fight? Be sure to make it about what you can do for the Country, the Service, and the Soldiers. We are only there to keep everyone patched up and healthy. The Soldiers are the stars of the show, not us.
ETA: Anything you can do now to increase your marketability as a PT, do it! Get more con ed in anything related to sports and conditioning, human performance, running analysis, CSCS, etc. H2F (Holistic Health and Fitness) is a huge push at the moment in the Army. Working with Soldiers en masse to prevent injuries is the big project.
ETA: Anything you can do now to increase your marketability as a PT, do it! Get more con ed in anything related to sports and conditioning, human performance, running analysis, CSCS, etc. H2F (Holistic Health and Fitness) is a huge push at the moment in the Army. Working with Soldiers en masse to prevent injuries is the big project.
CPT (Join to see)
MAJ(P) (Join to see) I love the push towards wellness and fitness. My wife is actually part of the H2F team so I really like the direction that it is headed. Thank you again for the advice. I feel like enlisting and going through basic really sparked that drive to get soldiers as fit as possible and back into the fight. I have always wanted to serve but having so many guys come talk to me and ask me questions really hammered home what I want to do with my service. Thanks again. Your advice is greatly appreciated.
I know for a while the Baylor program was the only way you could commission in the Army. If all else fails you can try for release from Army and commission Navy, Air Force through an inter service method. IF possible you’d initiate conversation with their service medical recruiter. I suppose worse case, ask for early discharge and apply as a civilian.
Good luck there DPT!
Good luck there DPT!
You would need to speak with an AMEDD recruiter. You would need to submit a packet to the medical service corps board which usually meets in October I believe but can meet month to month if there are open slots. You would need to be approved by the board and then they can get scroll approval and commission you. I am unsure if they can just transfer you from enlisted to officer or if you have to finish out your enlisted contract. We had a few medical service corps officers or nursing corps officers in DCC with me who had been enlisted and switched to officer. Some were going through the army nursing school program, some through the social work program, some through IPAP, and some for physical therapy army program. Not sure how that part works.
MAJ(P) (Join to see)
Just an FYI, Physical therapy, Occupational Therapy, PA, are Medical Specialist Corps (SP).
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