Posted on May 19, 2015
MAJ Senior Observer   Controller/Trainer
The fighting season 660x400
You may remember him as the little kid in Kramer v. Kramer, or that lucky spoiled rich kid on Silver Spoons, or maybe even his grown-up character as a Detective on NYPD Blue. If you've ever wondered where Ricky Schroder went, the answer is simple: he moved from the front of the camera to behind it, as a documentary filmmaker. And unlike many of his Hollywood counterparts, he's not unwilling to go into harm's way to get his story and those who are living it. In his highly-anticipated and new documentary series "The Fighting Season", Schroder and his team examine our 13 years of warfare in Afghanistan from a Soldier's-eye level, taking the time to get to know those putting it on the line. The premiere episode airs tonight on the Audience Channel, DirecTV 239 at 9E/8C. Check it out and let's discuss it afterwards.
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Responses: 16
SFC Mark Merino
Edited 10 y ago
Good intel. He redeemed himself when he starred in that tv movie "The Lost Battalion" about a unit that got encircled by the Germans during an offensive during WWI (true story). It was the equivalent of a WWI Battle of the Bulge. A little cheesey (since it was for tv) but great way to spend 1.5 hours.

Just found the link to the full movie.
Cpl Dennis F.
Cpl Dennis F.
10 y
Yeah, I enjoyed this.
SFC Mark Merino
SFC Mark Merino
10 y
Little Ricky Schroeder.......badass! LOL
SSG Melvin Nulph
SSG Melvin Nulph
10 y
Haha got to love the movies...
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MAJ Senior Observer   Controller/Trainer
Good news, CPT Ahmed Faried; MAJ Ron Peery; COL Charles Williams and anyone else who wasn't able to catch the first two episodes last night; they are being re-aired at various times prior to the airing of the next episode on Tuesday, 26 May 7C/8E. According to the channel guide, they air again Friday evening at 7C/8E and again that evening at 10C/11E.

COL Williams, I am most interested to get your thoughts on how COL Graham approaches PTT with the head of the ANP in Kabul.
MAJ Ron Peery
MAJ Ron Peery
10 y
Sadly, I also work on Friday night. And while the office has a tv, it doesn't have Audience. Local cable. And I don't have DVR.
COL Charles Williams
COL Charles Williams
10 y
MAJ (Join to see) not on Dish. So, I can't complete my mission.
MAJ Senior Observer   Controller/Trainer
MAJ (Join to see)
10 y
Damn, that stinks, Sir!
CPT Ahmed Faried
CPT Ahmed Faried
10 y
perfect. thanks for the heads up Sir
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SGT Hector Rojas, AIGA, SHA
Edited 10 y ago
It was a strange feeling to see the ops coming out of FOB SHANK, a place where I lost friends. I see little has changed, rockets and mortars still rain in on "Rocket City" even after 6 C-Rams and a multitude of OPs such as English and Red Eye.
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