Posted on Mar 2, 2014
90% Service Connected Disabled/Medically Retired MP searching for employment
Medically retired as of 23 Feb and struggling with not knowing what to do now that my military career has ended shorter than I had imagined it when I began. 27 years old with shy of 6 years in service. I am finding that the vast majority of Government jobs and others on USA jobs are all looking the other way unless you have a bachelors degree. I would like revisit pursuing my degree in the near future but am feeling the pressure to continue supporting my family financially as we are expecting our 2nd child next month. Any advice from peers, or seniors on what would be a good avenue of approach for the future? Thanks in advance.
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 6
<p>SGT Witten,</p><p><br></p><p>I am assuming that since you stated 90% in your post you have already been rated, well if that is the case you can apply for VocRehab CH 31 training and not affect your GI Bill benefits, you can receive up to 48 months of 100% tuition/books/fees/etc. along with a monthly stipend to get your degree in any field you are able to that you want to pursue and do it online if need be, that way you can continue to work even at a job that you may not want to do for long term, but long enough to get your degree, still support your family and also go to school fulltime, you also receive an amount based on you and your dependents, and you can still transfer partial GI Bill benefits to your dependents w/o a commitment to serve, I did it and even still gave my wife more almost a year after I retired and had been receiving benefits from the VA, she was working on her BSN for being a RN.</p><p><br></p><p>I was working as a contractor and going to school fulltime while my wife went back to school fulltime, when she graduated started working back at the hospital now at a higher pay for her degree added to her RN, I quit the contractor position and concentrated fulltime on school, I have now graduated with my BA in Homeland Security and am working towards my MA as well.</p><p><br></p><p>It was tight for awhile but we had enough funds coming in with my pension, disability, and both mine and hers BAH stipend for school, mine was CH 31, hers was CH 33 GI Bill, both mine actually but hers to use from the transfer.</p><p><br></p><p>Check with you VA education rep and get them to evaluate you and find out what would work best for you in your degree pursuit and get those months of benefits. I only used 24 of the 48 they gave me and am still going forward today, check it out and utilize it, you earned it physically, and you only need 10% to qualify.</p>
SP5 Thomas Thomas
Be sure that is what you want to be doing they will not retrain you if you get worse
I was almost in your shoes, as I faced a MEB, as well. What I was looking to do was utilize my GI Bill and go to school full time. If possible, your wife may have to work as well to help meet ends, but with the post 9/11 GI Bill, your tuition and books will be covered, as well as BAH at e-5 with dependents rate. Best of luck. I do have a few more questions for you that are a bit personal. If you want to connect, I'm willing to help in any way I can.
I agree with the others on here to use you school benefits and apply for FAFSA. I would also suggest getting out of Alexandria, VA due to high cost of living. Sit down with your wife and figure out a budget and find out what degree you want to pursue.
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