Posted on May 19, 2015
CH (MAJ) William Beaver
Sports betting
Sports betting. Poker. Casinos. Gambling in general. How big of a problem is gambling to the morale and health of the line units? The force in general? What about bingo halls on post? Is this a form of legal gambling? As a Chaplain, I have had a few Soldiers come to me with a gambling problem, but I knew of many more who could have used some guidance, as they couldn't wait to get paid so they could gamble. They would often be wiped out and run into financial difficulties as a result. Several of these would find themselves selling their plasma off post in order to pay the bills, or gamble some more. What are your thoughts?
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Responses: 6
SGT James Allen
I don't think it's the gambling that is the root cause of the problem, it's a behavioral issue. It could just as easily be drugs or alcohol. They are looking for a "high", and gambling can provide that. I would guess that there are also many soldiers that spend all of their money in bars and are broke for the rest of the month.
I am a gambler (on horses) but it is a hobby of mine. I only play when I can afford to and I see an opportunity where I can put the odds in my favor. It's takes many hours of work to do this, but it's one of the few games out there where it is a possibility. All of the other games are stacked against you.
In theory, I could take a problem gambler and teach them how to win, and so by most people's standards, he/she would no longer have a gambling problem. In reality this wouldn't work because they are playing for a different reason than I am, and would never put the work into it that winning consistently requires. They are compulsive and just looking for that "high".
I wish you luck sir, and I hope that you can help them.
CH (MAJ) William Beaver
CH (MAJ) William Beaver
10 y
Thank you for sharing these well-presented thoughts SFC!
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SGT David T.
Gambling like most vices isn't a problem if done responsibility and in moderation. It is when the individual takes it to excess that it becomes a problem. In my time in the Army, I only ran across a handful with this problem and it destroyed their families as a result. I have seen Soldiers sell plasma to buy beer, and I may have done it once or twice as a young Private lol.
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So outlaw sports betting......then what.....a gambler (someone with a true problem) will find something to bet on. The issue is not "Sports Gambling" it's people who exhibit the addictive behavior an gambler. We need to put as much effort into educating people one the dangers of this as we do alcohol consumption. Again the problem is not gambling or's the addictive behavior exhibited by the addicts. Just my two cents.
CH (MAJ) William Beaver
CH (MAJ) William Beaver
10 y
I will take that bet :-)

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