Posted on Feb 8, 2021
PFC Cody Fink
I am trying to get back into service. Previously active duty scout honorably discharged by medical chapter. I had my gallbladder removed and had a lot of harassment from my COC. One of which threatened me with faking it up onto the day of actual surgery which took nine months to convince medical something was wrong. Well I just sent my waiver in and got denied, but I was approved by the chief medical officer at meps minus the reason for the waiver. I've also had my primary care doctor write notes saying I'm healthy and no longer have gastro issues. Of which I no longer have. My recruiter says we can send an appeal in, but what else can I add to prove I am fit?
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Responses: 4
SFC Ralph E Kelley
Medical Review Board will prevue your MDs Reports and recommendation. You will most likely have to 'prove' you are physically fit. I can't tell you your chances. Recommend you talk to a recruiter as they will have the needed information about whom they let into service. Your prior service may help..
PFC Cody Fink
PFC Cody Fink
>1 y
So I have already been denied my waiver as of this morning feb82021, but was told I can ask for an appeal. Now this is where I am at a loss because I do not know what more I can get in terms of documentation except congressional recommendations or maybe a medical specialist.
SFC Ralph E Kelley
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SFC Michael Hasbun
This makes no sense. I had my gall bladder removed on Active Duty at the hospital on West Point. It was a couple weeks on profile, but there's no MEB involved. It's a temporary issue that resolves quickly... Is there more to this story?
PFC Cody Fink
PFC Cody Fink
>1 y
It was not a med board, but a medical chapter. My COC did not believe me when I said I had something wrong and neither did medical. It took almost a full 9 months for them to realize it was my gallbladder and when I had the surgery was told the organ had died and been dead for awhile. I was lucky it didn't burst. However I was harassed for months by first line ncos and threatened with ucmj up to the day I had the surgery. I was given less then a week for recovery and sent to the range with freshly glued cuts from surgery and bled all over the place. After that I was chaptered.
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
>1 y
This sounds more like an appendix issue than gall bladder. It should not have lead to a chapter.
PFC Cody Fink
PFC Cody Fink
>1 y
It was my gallbladder. I've had zero issues with my appendix. As for the chapter I was not given proper time to heal before being put back on duty.
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Cpl David Hamilton
There must have been more information in your medical chaptering out than what your being told. A lot has to due with your old command. Some bases are just horrible in leadership, especially in the case of your medical condition. If you had the ability you could have charges of medical malpractice against the original medical personnel, as to the gall bladder being in the condition it was, it could have killed you.
PFC Cody Fink
PFC Cody Fink
>1 y
I thought that myself however I do not want a lawsuit I just want to get back in service and do my time. As for malpractice this was in 2016 I believe anyways with very little during surgery notes.
Cpl David Hamilton
Cpl David Hamilton
>1 y
Your best bet may to try another service. Depending on what your MOS was in the Army you could possibly transfer it to another branch.
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