Posted on Feb 6, 2021
SGT Robert Cupp
I recently reenlisted as a 13R from 88M. It wasn't my top choice but there is an entire long story behind why I chose it. I'm just stoked to be trying something new. Anyway, I was told that 13R is an MOS that you are starting to find in ADA units more and more and less in Field Artillery. Any information would be appreciated.
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Responses: 2
SFC Retention Operations Nco
I'm not aware of 13R being in an ADA unit. You can look up locations in FMSWEB
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SFC(P) Field Artillery Firefinder Radar Operator
So there are 13Rs in ADA Units but that is so incredibly rare you shouldn't even
focus on that being a possibility. You'll do heavy field time no matter where you are stationed. This is because typically there are 3 gun battery's for every one radar Platoon and we have to observe fires for each. The beauty of being a radar operator is nobody knowing what you really do, that is also a curse because you will get used the wrong way. On deployment we are treated like Kings. It's great to be the guy that starts the Counter fire process, when you detect that first round and all eyes are on you to give the coordinates of where it came from. In short, it's a job you either love or hate, there just seems to be no in between. My best operators have been guys that genuinely loved learning and enjoyed applying that knowledge and seeing what worked, what didn't etc. If you need help with anything or want to ask questions, even once you are a 13R just reach out.
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