Posted on May 15, 2015
Stop Antiwar Radicals From Smearing Vietnam Vets Again! (What are your thoughts?)
Major General James T. Jackson, U.S. Army (Retired), the Director of The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration : Stop Antiwar Radicals From Smearing Vietnam Vets Again!
VietnamVeterans for Factual History
Petition By:
VietnamVeterans for Factual History
Missouri City, Texas
To Major General James T. Jackson, U.S. Army (Retired), the Director of The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration:
A Petition To Block Anti-War Radicals From Involvement In The Planning and Activities Of The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration
Composed primarily of historians, scholars and Vietnam veterans, Vietnam Veterans for Factual History (VVFH) is a [501c(3)] group founded by Vietnam Veterans and their supporters whose mission is to study and disseminate factual, well researched information about the Vietnam War and correct the myths that have permeated academia and our society since the war's beginning. Our organization challenges long held orthodox views of academia and shows how falsehoods and distortions have perpetuated the myth that the Vietnam War was unwinnable and without purpose.
Please visit our website, where you can find more information about our mission and a list of some of our prominent members.
The United States Department of Defense (DOD) has launched The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration, which directs the Secretary of Defense …”to conduct a program to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War and in conducting the commemorative program, the Secretary shall coordinate, support, and facilitate other programs and activities of the Federal Government, State and local governments, and other persons and organizations in commemoration of the Vietnam War."
In a most shameful but not surprising slight to Vietnam Veterans and their families, prominent 1960’s anti-war activists and radical scholars, whose anti-war activities cost the Republic of Vietnam its existence and millions of lives in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, are attempting to hijack the commemorative events and have called on the DOD to alter its website timeline, facts and are even demanding input on how the history of the war will be addressed through the commemoration. These activists who visited Hanoi during the war, burned their draft cards, and colluded with known agents of the North Vietnamese government, now want to control what the DOD plans to tell the American public.
The likes of Tom Hayden and militant anti-war scholars cannot be allowed to win again. They have already delivered a petition to the DOD demanding a voice in the commemoration and we need your help to ensure our voices are heard loud and clear.
Recently the following was published by the Washington Times:
We stand by these sentiments.
Do not allow the anti-war radicals to once again smear the good name of our veterans and propagate the myth that the war was unjust and its honorable veterans criminals. Solid academic research, including the archives of the North Vietnamese, show that the Hanoi Lobby was never right and the real story needs to be told.
Help us ensure that the factual story will be the only one heard by Americans.
Please sign our petition so that we can deliver it to Major General James T. Jackson, U.S. Army (Retired), the Director of The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration.
Let our leaders know that these commemorative events are designed to honor the warriors, their families, and those who stood up for what was right—not those who lied in congressional testimony, the fraudulent veterans who have lied about their service, and the many more who sympathized with communist leaders when patriots were dying in Vietnam.
VietnamVeterans for Factual History
Petition By:
VietnamVeterans for Factual History
Missouri City, Texas
To Major General James T. Jackson, U.S. Army (Retired), the Director of The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration:
A Petition To Block Anti-War Radicals From Involvement In The Planning and Activities Of The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration
Composed primarily of historians, scholars and Vietnam veterans, Vietnam Veterans for Factual History (VVFH) is a [501c(3)] group founded by Vietnam Veterans and their supporters whose mission is to study and disseminate factual, well researched information about the Vietnam War and correct the myths that have permeated academia and our society since the war's beginning. Our organization challenges long held orthodox views of academia and shows how falsehoods and distortions have perpetuated the myth that the Vietnam War was unwinnable and without purpose.
Please visit our website, where you can find more information about our mission and a list of some of our prominent members.
The United States Department of Defense (DOD) has launched The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration, which directs the Secretary of Defense …”to conduct a program to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War and in conducting the commemorative program, the Secretary shall coordinate, support, and facilitate other programs and activities of the Federal Government, State and local governments, and other persons and organizations in commemoration of the Vietnam War."
In a most shameful but not surprising slight to Vietnam Veterans and their families, prominent 1960’s anti-war activists and radical scholars, whose anti-war activities cost the Republic of Vietnam its existence and millions of lives in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, are attempting to hijack the commemorative events and have called on the DOD to alter its website timeline, facts and are even demanding input on how the history of the war will be addressed through the commemoration. These activists who visited Hanoi during the war, burned their draft cards, and colluded with known agents of the North Vietnamese government, now want to control what the DOD plans to tell the American public.
The likes of Tom Hayden and militant anti-war scholars cannot be allowed to win again. They have already delivered a petition to the DOD demanding a voice in the commemoration and we need your help to ensure our voices are heard loud and clear.
Recently the following was published by the Washington Times:
We stand by these sentiments.
Do not allow the anti-war radicals to once again smear the good name of our veterans and propagate the myth that the war was unjust and its honorable veterans criminals. Solid academic research, including the archives of the North Vietnamese, show that the Hanoi Lobby was never right and the real story needs to be told.
Help us ensure that the factual story will be the only one heard by Americans.
Please sign our petition so that we can deliver it to Major General James T. Jackson, U.S. Army (Retired), the Director of The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration.
Let our leaders know that these commemorative events are designed to honor the warriors, their families, and those who stood up for what was right—not those who lied in congressional testimony, the fraudulent veterans who have lied about their service, and the many more who sympathized with communist leaders when patriots were dying in Vietnam.
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 8
To all of my Vietnam Vets I say thank you. What you went through despite the ungrateful nation you returned to is worth all the riches those unappreciative well you can put your own words in here have ever earned. God bless you all.
SGT (Join to see)
Thank you SPC Charles Brown , for that. I know your dad is a Vietnam vet and I'm sure he is very proud of his son.
I just want to tell the Vietnam vets that I'm proud of their service. Thank you for all you did and the sacrifices you made. You all deserved a lot better than what you received.
SGT (Join to see)
we did what we had to do not knowing what was going on here. I'm glad it's behind us. You guys do an excellent job kicking ass. I wish we would have had some of the equipment you guys have. The only problem with that, now that I think about it, is the enemy has modern weapons too. You guys be careful on those deployments. Every Sunday at church, I bring up those of you in harms way, to come home safely. God Bless all of you.
SSgt Charles Edwards
We may have had some better equipment, but brothers and sisters were lost. I may be out now, but I still keep those still serving in my thoughts and prayers.
SPC Edward W Robinson
I was drafted but I served with the others who served their country as one, no body asked how you got there, you had a job to do and did it well .I could have went to another country like some but how could you live with yourself if you did. I got home in 1968 after the TET offensive and riots were going on here, I couldn't believe it, had we not went to fight for our rights, what would this country be like today. WE would have no rights. Things are not that good today but if we don't stand up to our enemies what will the outcome be!!
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