Under civil forfeiture, police can seize property from people who are never convicted—much less charged with—a crime. Unlike criminal forfeiture, where the government must prove property was used in the commission of crime, civil forfeiture law presumes an owner’s guilt.
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 11
It should never be allowed, period. It's corruption written into law and a complete circumvention of your right to a fair trial before being penalized.
SSG Gerhard S.
Indeed, under the federal program there is no requirement for a conviction or even that charges be filed.
LT (Join to see)
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Civil Forfeiture (HBO)
Did you know police can just take your stuff if they suspect it's involved in a crime? They can! It’s a shady process called “civil asset forfeiture,” and it...
Unfortunately most of the time they're not charging you, they're charging your assets.
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver did a funny but very informative (and infuriating) piece on it...
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver did a funny but very informative (and infuriating) piece on it...
Asset Forfeiture is a system rife with corruption and abuse.
Any time you have a "Guilty Until Proven Innocent" mentality, those in positions of power will always seek to exploit the opportunity for their own gain and benefit.
Any time you have a "Guilty Until Proven Innocent" mentality, those in positions of power will always seek to exploit the opportunity for their own gain and benefit.
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