Posted on May 15, 2015
When will the USA take ownership of the wars?
When one is sent to represent us on the battlefield, those who sent the Warrior own the decision to go to war. Who is tired of the lot of Americans who want their freedom and way of life protected, but they really are disconnected from those who do the dirty and bloody work of defending the nation? We say we want our troops to protect us but then we forget to recognize that we all go to war. The homefront has a mission too: protect and care for the Warriors and pray for them and our nation. Take ownership, America! And start acting like you are on board with what you asked the military to do through the government you elected (at least the majority of those who voted).
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 3
As nice as this would be, its only happened once in our history (WWII). Every other war or conflict including the Revolution was sharply divided. In today's society very few people are directly impacted from our conflicts. The reason we have a military is so that the populace does not have to worry about those things. That is the burden we carry when we don the uniform. We are called upon to defend those who in some cases do not support us at all. We serve or served so that the population will not know the horrors or war on our shores. Regardless of the level of support. Selfless service is what its all about.
Without a draft, we will always have a smaller, disproportionate effect of "contracting" out our military. With a draft, we get more initial support but less support over time when the pain reaches out within each demographic of society. Let's face, it; every generation has at least one war. Not every war touches everyone. The cost of war usually takes a generation to fund (only last week Britain paid off remaining war debts from WWI and II). The mil-industrial complex fuels economies far greater in times of conflicts than peacetime. Without that gov subsidy to the economy we don't seem to manufacture much else. We no longer are the world leader producing and exporting steel, etc. Aside from food and technology we are a service culture. Gone are the craftsmen.

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This is why we need a mandatory conscription period for all able bodied males. Just two years to either the military, police, or other civil service sector......if they go on to a full career great....if they don't great also at least they have gotten a taste of what is it like to serve your fellow countrymen and serve with them and the sense of pride and accomplishment that comes with that......anyway just my two cents
As long as only an extremely small part of the population actually has "skin in the game" ... NEVER!!!
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