Posted on May 15, 2015
CH (MAJ) William Beaver
We all remember that short-lived period of high patriotism and pride across the country folling September 11, 2001. Who can forget the massive prayer meetings and flags and supporters everywhere? The prayer meetings for our nation were amazing as people of all backgrounds came together . But shortly thereafter, even as we entered Afghanistan and then Iraq, the crowds began to dwindle and the flags began to fade and disappear. The resolve of those who went to war remained. But now , after well over a decade of war, the nation as a whole hasn't been this jaded since the 60's-70's. Why aren't people gathering for large prayer meetings for our nation anymore? Where are all the flags? Why have we let those who desecrate the flag and disrespect the military dominate the news? And why is it dangerous within our own borders to be seen off-post in uniform? Why does it seem wrong to demonstrate pride in our country these days? And why does it seem less than 'politically correct' to publicly support the USA? Quite frankly, I am disgusted at the Anti-American sentiment that seems to be growing in our nation. Many youth that were babies during 9/11 stomp on our flag and demonstrate all sorts of disrespect towards uniformed public servants. I blame the parents for failing to teach them.
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Responses: 6
SFC Petroleum Supply Specialist
Americans have short attention spans, Sir. The country was war weary within the first couple of years after 2003. Americans attitudes changed once Bush's Intel over WMDs fell through and didn't believe American deaths were worth Iraqi democracy. Our politicans don't understand the blood that was shed/the sacrifices made by those who served there by allowing ISIS to run rampant all over the Middle East. It's very disheartening and frustrating.
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GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
Edited >1 y ago
Passage of time, never-ending wars, disappointment with leadership in Washington, frustration with direction of country, etc. I too, am saddened by it, but I think that it is only going to get worse.
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SSG Financial Management Technician
I had read in an article this morning about some principal in some school forbid some student to not have a flag flying on the back of his truck. The principal stated it was because of safety and it might offend someone. The student refused, and the story went viral. Short time later, the town paraded around with the flag and a POW/State/"Don't tread on me" flags on the back of their vehicles. To no ones surprise, the school apologized.

Personally, I am a ghast that we have to tread lightly went displaying the flag for fear of offending someone. I had seen a meme recently of the scene of 9/11 and of how we shouldn't be afraid of offending people because of our patriotism.

There is a season for everything.
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