Posted on Jan 24, 2021
PFC Marquesas Joseph
Good day to all,
I'm prior service, and currently reenlisting.I'm going back to MEPS for Army MOS selection in a couple of days. I have a list of MOS's I want, with my top choice being 35M or 35W. I physically qualified about two weeks ago, give or take, so I won't need any other medical stuff done. That being said, anyone know what my day will consist of since I'm not doing a physical or anything? And does anyone have any advice for when I speak to the guidance counselor?
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Responses: 3
SSG Intelligence Analyst
35W is just the recruit MOS for 35M. Once you complete AIT, you will be given 35M as your MOS.

Your day will begin bright and early, you will select your MOS and if you want 35M, be prepared for one hefty contract and you being required to select a language and having to take the DLAB. I’m an instructor out at Huachuca and was told by a 35M instructor that most, if not all of their new students have a follow on to DLI.
PFC Marquesas Joseph
PFC Marquesas Joseph
>1 y
Thanks, that clears up some confusion I had. I'm prepared to sign a heavy contract. Do you have any suggestions in terms of DLAB study guides and materials?
SSG Intelligence Analyst
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
The DLAB is literally a made up language. You just have to be able to understand the context of itPFC Marquesas Joseph
PFC Marquesas Joseph
PFC Marquesas Joseph
>1 y
Thanks for the heads up, I appreciate it .
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MAJ Ken Landgren
I want to tell you a story. When I enlisted I maxed the ASVAB but the fvcking recruiters told me all that is available was Infantry and Armor. I said bullshit and they finally gave me a list of like 30 different MOSs. They fvcking lied to me. They should rot in hell.
SGT Air Defense Radar Repairer
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
What recruiters don't lie.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
>1 y
SGT (Join to see) - Some lies are of greater magnitude as others.
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SSG R&Amp;S Instructor
As prior service you’re stuck with what never mos choices they give you. Just went back in 3 months ago and at ait for cbrn.
PFC Marquesas Joseph
PFC Marquesas Joseph
>1 y
Yeah, that's what I was originally told too. But my Sergeant called DROC, I think that's what it's called, and due to my situation I'm not subject to the same business rules. I think that has to do with length of service and not being MOSQ'd anymore. But in case I do have other choices within the business rules so I'll keep that in mind.
SSG R&Amp;S Instructor
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
I had a break in service for 2.5 years, prior 11B broke my knee had 2 surgeries and now a 74D with 2 weeks left at AIT. Best thing to do is pick an mos that will compliment the same career path you choose for when you get out. 11B had no civilian job qualification other then security. Choose your next mos wisely.
PFC Marquesas Joseph
PFC Marquesas Joseph
>1 y
Thanks for the words of wisdom. I've put a lot of thought into my choice. I believe that this will be most conducive to the path I want to take.
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