Posted on May 13, 2015
When did the Active Duty vs Reserve components beef become so serious?
Often at my current deployed location the question is always being brought up on why so many "Guard people" here are in leadership positions over active duty individuals even though we all went to the same tech school and some even being prior active. It's very frustrating and offensive.
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 8
It's only as serious as you choose to take or make it. The proof is in the actions. Show an AD unit you can cut the mustard and they will go away (hopefully with their tail between their legs) We had a Bn from the 82nd under us in Iraq. When my O-7 boss awarded them their combat patch (our unit patch - 43d MP Bde) They refused to wear it and against regs wore the 18th Airborne Corps patch that they wanted but were not authorized. Like our patch wasn't good enough for them.
I've seen some pretty horrendous behavior because of this. During my time overseas our sister company had a gun truck go down on route Tampa near FOB Kalsu. The active duty mechanics on the FOB refused to work on the truck because we were National Guard. It took our Battalion Commander getting involved to straighten it out. One Soldier refusing to help another simply due to their component is reprehensible.
Guard and Reserve units operate differently and like it or not, there is a cultural difference, that doesn't necessarily match up well with an active duty structure. That's the best way I can put it.
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