I've been in the army for four years now. Two years reserve two years active duty, closing in on reenlistment time for active duty. I saw some of my old friends from the reserve while on leave and it made me really miss the reserve and how close i felt to all of them and the ability to be home. But at the same time i really enjoy the active duty life and not having to worry about two different lives. At the moment I'm thinking of either staying in to do airborne school or go back to the reserve to do AGR. Would it be possible for me to go back to my old unit if i were to try and go AGR or would they move me?
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 3
Screw AGR, in reality it means Assholes Getting Rich. Go to airborne school and quit being a leg.
You can go back to your unit in the USAR but as SFC Stephen Hurst pointed out, you apply to AGR for positions and you move to where the position is. If you stay on AGR, you're basically on AD but now you don't get to reenlist for a duty station of choice like you would in the RA.. Also, AGR jobs - whether USAR or ARNG - can be highly competitive and there's no guarantee you'll be selected for the position you're applying for. So, have a backup plan.. If you want to go to Airborne school just bring your airborne physical to your Career Counselor.
You can actually apply for an AGR while on AD https://www.hrcapps.army.mil/portal/ and see if there is an opening where you want to be.

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