Posted on May 11, 2015
What do you think about this different perspective on racism in America?
Real Racism is Supported by Lies #stopthehate A new micro-doc lashes out at Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Cenk Uygur, and Rachel Maddow for spreading the lie of...
A peer of mine posted this video on facebook the other day, and while I think the situation is far more complex than it gets into, it touches on a number of under analyzed aspects. What are your thoughts? How much of the race debate is driven and perpetuated by the media? How much of it is not? I think there's a healthy amount of both.
I'm hoping for an honest discussion on the topic, so please in advance, keep it professional and try to keep it from devolving into a political catfight. Thanks!
I'm hoping for an honest discussion on the topic, so please in advance, keep it professional and try to keep it from devolving into a political catfight. Thanks!
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 4
One of my pet peeves is the idea that racism is mostly between white and black. Having a wife (over 40 years) of color, I see indications of racism almost every day. She is American Indian. Most of the signs are subtle, not overt. A certain "look" that is unmistakable. A certain tone of voice, one of disdain. A "cold shoulder" attitude. In truth, these actions bother me more than they do her. Of course, she has lived with it for her entire life.
My son, who is dark skinned, faces degrees of racism everyday, living in Arizona. He has been stopped for no other reason than the color of his skin. Once again, this is mostly subtle.
But, it is still there.
Our national attitude toward racism is changing, improving. But, in some areas, it is still present and even encouraged.
Yes, we have come a long way. But the trip is far from over.
My son, who is dark skinned, faces degrees of racism everyday, living in Arizona. He has been stopped for no other reason than the color of his skin. Once again, this is mostly subtle.
But, it is still there.
Our national attitude toward racism is changing, improving. But, in some areas, it is still present and even encouraged.
Yes, we have come a long way. But the trip is far from over.
TSgt Craig Crews
Thank you for this comment. I usually do not respond to Race questions but I will respond to this one. Yes we have come a long way, but the things you mentioned still unfortunately happen as much as I try and dismiss them from my mind. If for a moment one could walk in my shoes and see things as they are for me, then maybe there woudln't be such hateful comments and more understanding.
my attitude... (1)when something significant as a police shooting happens, Americans should turn off the TV and their social media - a lot of dumb shit is about to flood, just because you have a voice, doesnt mean you have anything to say.
(2)also, we need to admit that some people are always going to be the victim (such as always playing the race card), and many people go with their emotions instead of waiting on evidence based facts (white cop shoots black man...that is very little facts).
(3) while certain programs (for example BET or NAACP) at one time helped people, it also fosters some dependance. Does it signal to blacks that they are inferior, they need tons of help, and that they probably will not make it, anyway??
(2)also, we need to admit that some people are always going to be the victim (such as always playing the race card), and many people go with their emotions instead of waiting on evidence based facts (white cop shoots black man...that is very little facts).
(3) while certain programs (for example BET or NAACP) at one time helped people, it also fosters some dependance. Does it signal to blacks that they are inferior, they need tons of help, and that they probably will not make it, anyway??
SGT (Join to see)
Sir I think you bring up some very good points that most people shy away from, particularly the third point. In my opinion, it's pretty similar to the history of labor unions; at one time, they were extremely necessary and corrected a lot of the issues facing the American worker, but their power went unchecked and they've destroyed many of the industries that they initially were formed to help correct. In addition, I can see the perspective that policies like affirmative action have unintentionally had the same effect as blatantly racist policies, because they still stand on the idea of "You're different, and thus must be treated differently." If we want equality, at what point is it time to quit playing by separate rules and instead let merit be the sole qualification. If it were, you'd still have a diverse workplace, but one that was naturally formed with only the best suited. I understand racism still exists, but punish those who practice it instead of fostering a culture that highlights, and simultaneously condemns acknowledging it, differences.
SGT (Join to see)
What more facts would you need if a White Cop shoots a Black man? That would be the facts just as if a Black Cop shot a White man.... Your facts are based on ignorance and I hope that your never in my chain of command. Yes, let's turn off the TV's and pretend that everything is okay. Oh wait, remember how we all watched in awe, and disbelief when September 11th happened; and we (re) United as a country? but maybe we should have just turned off our TV's. When the hell was BET a program that gave out money? I never heard of that Sir. You should definitely check your facts because the NAACP still helps people; and more diverse then your feeble mind can comprehend.
MAJ Jim Steven
SGT (Join to see)
Let me pick apart your rather pathetic response.
When a White cop shoots a black civilian - that is all the information that people of weak intellect need to jump to a conclusion. A smart person would ask to speak to witnesses (even though they may lie (Hands up, Dont Shoot, never happened). A smart person would want to see the body cam video. A smart person would ask if the person shot had a history of a having unsuccessful dealings with cops. Did cop follow procedures? These are questions smart people would ask...but according to your response, all you need to know is skin color. Congratulations, you are part of the problem.
I didn't say turn off the TV and pretend everything is okay. The truth is, in these situations, the media isn't there to inform us...the media wants us pissed off and arguing. They want people like me, who ask questions to debate people like you, who don't ask questions. And they want everyone to pick a side, and continue arguing.
Sept 11 was an attack on the US...a matter of national security. A cop of one skin color shooting a civilian of another skin color is not a matter of national security. That becomes more of a social issue.
I didnt mean to imply that BET hands out money, so you got me, that wasnt a good example. My point being that all these programs that are designed to help blacks may have an unintended consequence of sending a message that they NEED all of this help because they cant make it on their own. Try this example. Lets say women in the Army have a different scoring system on their PT test...could that possibly communicate that...they are, in fact, different...maybe even inferior, physically, to need to get extra points for doing the same number of pushups as a man??
Do you get that logic, or do i need to inject skin color into the PT test??
Do people want equality, or do they want special treatment....such as safe spaces??
Let me pick apart your rather pathetic response.
When a White cop shoots a black civilian - that is all the information that people of weak intellect need to jump to a conclusion. A smart person would ask to speak to witnesses (even though they may lie (Hands up, Dont Shoot, never happened). A smart person would want to see the body cam video. A smart person would ask if the person shot had a history of a having unsuccessful dealings with cops. Did cop follow procedures? These are questions smart people would ask...but according to your response, all you need to know is skin color. Congratulations, you are part of the problem.
I didn't say turn off the TV and pretend everything is okay. The truth is, in these situations, the media isn't there to inform us...the media wants us pissed off and arguing. They want people like me, who ask questions to debate people like you, who don't ask questions. And they want everyone to pick a side, and continue arguing.
Sept 11 was an attack on the US...a matter of national security. A cop of one skin color shooting a civilian of another skin color is not a matter of national security. That becomes more of a social issue.
I didnt mean to imply that BET hands out money, so you got me, that wasnt a good example. My point being that all these programs that are designed to help blacks may have an unintended consequence of sending a message that they NEED all of this help because they cant make it on their own. Try this example. Lets say women in the Army have a different scoring system on their PT test...could that possibly communicate that...they are, in fact, different...maybe even inferior, physically, to need to get extra points for doing the same number of pushups as a man??
Do you get that logic, or do i need to inject skin color into the PT test??
Do people want equality, or do they want special treatment....such as safe spaces??
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